We know. They did 40 songs together, all produced by Madlib. But they’re mostly just mumble jam sessions. NMPILA and All Day originated from those sessions. Here’s 13 snippets from it.
We know. They did 40 songs together, all produced by Madlib. But they’re mostly just mumble jam sessions. NMPILA and All Day originated from those sessions. Here’s 13 snippets from it.
We know. They did 40 songs together, all produced by Madlib. But they’re mostly just mumble jam sessions. NMPILA and All Day originated from those sessions. Here’s 13 snippets from it.
!https://youtu.be/TsstJNwQ3mY?feature=sharedDamn bro, I need this
We know. They did 40 songs together, all produced by Madlib. But they’re mostly just mumble jam sessions. NMPILA and All Day originated from those sessions. Here’s 13 snippets from it.
!https://youtu.be/TsstJNwQ3mY?feature=sharedSmh... I really hope that it happens someday though as it would be very GOATED!
Wish they finished it
Always thought that if kendrick didnt open for the yeezus tour, he likely wouldnt be the artist he is today.
Kendrick took the right things from ye during that time. Tpab and his legendary tv performances/ kunta groove sessions came right after
Wish they finished it
Always thought that if kendrick didnt open for the yeezus tour, he likely wouldnt be the artist he is today.
Kendrick took the right things from ye during that time. Tpab and his legendary tv performances/ kunta groove sessions came right after
There was a clear jump in performance skill from GKMC era to TPAB era. He was definitely taking notes on the Yeezus tour. He probably watched multiple performances and observed how moved the audience was versus when he would perform and wanted what Ye had.
There was a clear jump in performance skill from GKMC era to TPAB era. He was definitely taking notes on the Yeezus tour. He probably watched multiple performances and observed how moved the audience was versus when he would perform and wanted what Ye had.
can you pinpoint that jump in skill with certain song/line/hook examples?
I can kind of see what your getting at when thinking of a song like King Kunta but Kendrick even highlighted himself that TPAB was not a body of music compatible with touring/performing etc.
We know. They did 40 songs together, all produced by Madlib. But they’re mostly just mumble jam sessions. NMPILA and All Day originated from those sessions. Here’s 13 snippets from it.
!https://youtu.be/TsstJNwQ3mY?feature=sharedKendrick on All Day
can you pinpoint that jump in skill with certain song/line/hook examples?
I can kind of see what your getting at when thinking of a song like King Kunta but Kendrick even highlighted himself that TPAB was not a body of music compatible with touring/performing etc.
You’re equating the songs off TPAB and their comparability with performing live versus Kendrick’s growth as an overall performer. I wasn’t specifically making a point of saying TPAB was better live, I’m saying he in general became a better performer. This right here is a great example.
From this
Wish they finished it
Always thought that if kendrick didnt open for the yeezus tour, he likely wouldnt be the artist he is today.
Kendrick took the right things from ye during that time. Tpab and his legendary tv performances/ kunta groove sessions came right after
I forgot about that damn imagine getting to see Post GKMC/road to TPAB Kendrick and Yeezus era Kanye live
We know. They did 40 songs together, all produced by Madlib. But they’re mostly just mumble jam sessions. NMPILA and All Day originated from those sessions. Here’s 13 snippets from it.
!https://youtu.be/TsstJNwQ3mY?feature=sharedthis is facts
they made it when Kendrick went on tour with Ye during the Yeezus tour
There was a clear jump in performance skill from GKMC era to TPAB era. He was definitely taking notes on the Yeezus tour. He probably watched multiple performances and observed how moved the audience was versus when he would perform and wanted what Ye had.
I saw the yeezus tour in LA and believe it or not, the crowd was f***ing with kendrick more
You’re equating the songs off TPAB and their comparability with performing live versus Kendrick’s growth as an overall performer. I wasn’t specifically making a point of saying TPAB was better live, I’m saying he in general became a better performer. This right here is a great example.
From this
!https://youtu.be/BiCHlQf8I2Y?si=NgBMo8JWaTaiOiI6To THIS
!https://youtu.be/sop2V_MREEI?si=SVbPyqexxu8Pe7dJGotcha. I thought you meant performance skill as in performance on a recorded song. i on SNL was such a great moment, especially considering how lukewarm people were on the actual single