You're the only one on this site listening to that bullshit, IKAURUS.
Its 2021 brother, i listened to them in 2018 yeah
"Corniest rappers" (before title change)
Nicki Minaj
Big Sean
Yeah that’s first ballet HOF levels of corn if we keeping it a buck. Toss in Logic and you got yourself a top 5 that is unmatched lmaoo
Its 2021 brother, i listened to them in 2018 yeah
You still supporting that nonsense though, come on man. You're not that guy pal. You're not that guy.
Yeah that’s first ballet HOF levels of corn if we keeping it a buck. Toss in Logic and you got yourself a top 5 that is unmatched lmaoo
Facts but Logic goes without saying lmao I ducked naming dudes like Hopsin Tom McDonalds etc too obvious
you don't even like
This has aged like milk and was a 1/10 song in the first place.
It sounds like a blooper/joke music.
This has aged like milk and was a 1/10 song in the first place.
It sounds like a blooper/joke music.
I think it's very fun
Big Sean
Cudi (still enjoy him tho)
Almost all rappers from the SoundCloud era
brockhampton (all members)
Still love Logic's performance on this song tho
Logic is definitely a cornball at times but to be fair he got some great songs and a few amazing albums
Its 2021 brother, i listened to them in 2018 yeah
Your b**** ass was annoying af in 2018 threads d***riding those clowns all the time
I kept telling you that they'll be irrelevant soon and you were like "wah wah 69 is the biggest artist in the world"
F***ing bozo
Might catch some heat for this but Lupe def hella corny.
He says some of the dumbest s*** sometimes and I’m like… why LMAO.
Like him saying he’s culturally Japanese and s***
not even this 1 ?
! but I hate it lol I think this guy has no talent and is corny asf.
We can agree to disagree though
Logic is definitely a cornball at times but to be fair he got some great songs and a few amazing albums
Yeah I just meant his demeanor. He got a few decent projects yeah but nothing good enough to justify saying that ”I ain’t gay but I’ll suck a d*** to prove it” on wax.
And that’s like lower levels of corn. We ain’t even talking about the worst offenses.