“my best chance if not contracting this virus is avoiding asian people” this is so racist that i can’t even begin to explain it
this is like saying your best chances of avoiding ebola viruses is avoiding black people it’s the literal equivalent
"acktyual raycism"
If I a black man makes a joke about a Chinese person it is a joke with no malice or hatred.
If a Chinese person makes a joke about me there can be racist connotations and actual malice. What do you not understand
If I a black man makes a joke about a Chinese person it is a joke with no malice or hatred.
If a Chinese person makes a joke about me there can be racist connotations and actual malice. What do you not understand
If I a black man makes a joke about a Chinese person it is a joke with no malice or hatred.
If a Chinese person makes a joke about me there can be racist connotations and actual malice. What do you not understand
yeah cause thats how it works
Yes? And other races also do it with malice and have actual experience with actual racism
Here in NYC our top high schools offer enrollment based on standardized testing. Meaning if they have room for 100 students, the 100 students with the highest test scores will be accepted.
People are angry that these schools are majority Asian and are calling to reform and force "diversity".
Asians also suffer from reverse affirmative action when it comes to top universities and colleges where their applications are ignored in favor of other minorities with lower qualifications.
" yes asians are the most oppressed race." fin
to act like ignorant ass s*** isn’t going on because it isn’t being hyperbolized to the extent that anti-black racism is is stupid
to act like ignorant ass s*** isn’t going on because it isn’t being hyperbolized to the extent that anti-black racism is is stupid
lol where are you getting this assumption from my post?
to act like ignorant ass s*** isn’t going on because it isn’t being hyperbolized to the extent that anti-black racism is is stupid
i don't disagree with you it's just that it's funny that a bunch of threads like this are built so you can only respond in one way then OP gets mad that people respond that way
The only way we can curb Coronavirus is to quarantine the people have it, people are just their due diligence
Depends. I think casual racism against Asians is pretty ignored / acceptable (in societies eyes). But systemically they’re hardly discriminated against, not discriminated against for job opportunities etc
There definitely is systemic discrimination
The fact is asian culture raises ppl to be professionals to the degree that Americans feel the need to make it harder for them to get jobs theyre qualified for. That's discrimination that is accepted and is only justified under a nationalistic perspective
Uh it is?
"i can say horrible racist things and its cool but if ppl do it to me its bad"
meanwhile these crackers make out with their dogs and keep getting e coli from lettuce
Did you get that rent money yet?
Here in NYC our top high schools offer enrollment based on standardized testing. Meaning if they have room for 100 students, the 100 students with the highest test scores will be accepted.
People are angry that these schools are majority Asian and are calling to reform and force "diversity".
Asians also suffer from reverse affirmative action when it comes to top universities and colleges where their applications are ignored in favor of other minorities with lower qualifications.
NYC ain’t the only place like that my guy. So you can stop referencing it in every thread you make about anything.
White people complained about the same thing and tried to sue colleges for this and lost.