Not saying we need another lockdown and I definitely don’t want one but I wish people would stop acting like Covid is fake and millions didn’t die from it.
I was also lucky enough to not have anyone close to me get seriously affected by it but I’m not going to deny what others been through just because my experience wasn’t the same
I’ve had covid like 4-5 times, every single time it was basically a scratchy throat for a day and nothing more. I don’t think this scary virus will take me out anytime soon.
you do know it effects everybody differently?
You might have been ok but others might not be so lucky
she never spoke out against someone who didnt deserve it so i dont care in what form she was doing that
Thanks fam, I just turned 29 a few weeks ago
95 going strong it’s like everyone I see around me is turning 29. Ima be 29 this Sunday
95 going strong it’s like everyone I see around me is turning 29. Ima be 29 this Sunday
Being damn near 30 and still being communist
Absolutely nothing good or constructive is coming from this thread. I originally unlocked it upon request of another user but the discussion in here is a mess and I don’t see if actually getting any better even if bans/mutes are handed out. Locking this up again. If another mod disagrees feel free to unlock it.