Does anyone know how this s*** got so big and why do I hear it everywhere
Cringest music I’ve ever heard
poor mans sybyr/syringe
not even that
syringe was actually good corpse just sounds stupid
not even that
syringe was actually good corpse just sounds stupid
i’m saying bro this is a bad copy of sybyr
why does every youtuber feel like they need to start rapping
The product of corny florida rappers like Bones and Suicideboys. Trap Metal used to be kinda cool but its sad that Kamiyada gets overshadowed by someone like Corpse.
Tell me if Corpse could ever make ANYTHING like this
his voice is actually so s*** idk how anyone likes it
He has GERD and his acid reflex f***ed up his vocal cords so that's why he sound like that. His voice is godawful but people equate deepness to sexual attractiveness but the first time I heard him I knew something was f***ed up.
He's probably going to lose his voice in the future.
He has GERD and his acid reflex f***ed up his vocal cords so that's why he sound like that. His voice is godawful but people equate deepness to sexual attractiveness but the first time I heard him I knew something was f***ed up.
He's probably going to lose his voice in the future.
wait is that true?
trim ur eyebrows op jesus
why does every youtuber feel like they need to start rapping
Cause Dey know it’s a quick bag sad 2 say rap game been f***ed up bruh foreal
wait is that true?
Yeah, look it up. He has to take breaks because of his health.
It's the female equivalent of finding a girl with lymphedema attractive because all of the fluids are in her thighs.
You still have time to delete this before more people are exposed to this radiation OP, we can protect the site from a page 2
The product of corny florida rappers like Bones and Suicideboys. Trap Metal used to be kinda cool but its sad that Kamiyada gets overshadowed by someone like Corpse.
Tell me if Corpse could ever make ANYTHING like this
! from Michigan
Nigga got like 5 songs OP stop hating