  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Crine at how OP just made this thread and dipped

  • Nov 27, 2020
    Astronaut Dad

    isn't king krule a rapist and s*** too

    Unless you have actual proof or anything to show for it don’t say stupid s*** like this without any explanation or proof

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply

    yall love these artists so much lmfaooooo they dont even kno who you are why do yall try so hard to defend their honor

  • Nov 27, 2020

    yall treat these singers like they're someone u kno personally lmfaoooo

  • Nov 27, 2020
    5 replies

    full disclosure I knew about the allegations before making this thread & knew someone was gonna bring it up and the thread was gonna blow up off of that

    there’s levels to this s***

  • Nov 27, 2020
    2 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    He was also out there spreading HIV!? Is this why this nigga disappeared for four years?

    Found his response

    Do you believe him?

  • Nov 27, 2020
    Astronaut Dad

    yall love these artists so much lmfaooooo they dont even kno who you are why do yall try so hard to defend their honor

    Answer me dumbass don’t avoid what i said

  • Nov 27, 2020
    BlueChew Sean

    Crine at how OP just made this thread and dipped

  • Nov 27, 2020
    2 replies

    i dont talk to users who hide their spotify

  • Nov 27, 2020

    Thread title

  • Nov 27, 2020
    Astronaut Dad

    i dont talk to users who hide their spotify

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    Found his response

    Do you believe him?

    on one hand i hate cancel culture and baseless accusations on the other hand there seems to be a lot of these sort of accusations floating around, not just one or two

    like i get it a girl comes out, two come out saying you did some s*** its like yeah maybe this a crazy b****. on the other hand if you got like 60 people saying ur a rapist then yeah im inclined to believe em

  • Nov 27, 2020
    Astronaut Dad

    i dont talk to users who hide their spotify

    Yeah you don’t have s*** lol. And i have apple music

  • Nov 27, 2020

    yall hear sum?

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Astronaut Dad

    on one hand i hate cancel culture and baseless accusations on the other hand there seems to be a lot of these sort of accusations floating around, not just one or two

    like i get it a girl comes out, two come out saying you did some s*** its like yeah maybe this a crazy b****. on the other hand if you got like 60 people saying ur a rapist then yeah im inclined to believe em

    you made a baseless accusation about king krule itt lmaooo

    care to link at least 1 (one) shred of evidence supporting what you said about him, or are you hypocritical

  • Nov 27, 2020
    Astronaut Dad

    isn't king krule a rapist and s*** too

    link evidence please (genuinely curious)

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply

    you made a baseless accusation about king krule itt lmaooo

    care to link at least 1 (one) shred of evidence supporting what you said about him, or are you hypocritical

    actually, if you read my post carefully, its a question.

    Learn to pronounce
    noun: accusation; plural noun: accusations

    a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
    "accusations of bribery"

    Learn to pronounce
    noun: question; plural noun: questions

    a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information.
    "we hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions"

    hope this helps

  • Nov 27, 2020
    Mr Milchick

    full disclosure I knew about the allegations before making this thread & knew someone was gonna bring it up and the thread was gonna blow up off of that

    there’s levels to this s***

  • Nov 27, 2020
    Mr Milchick

    full disclosure I knew about the allegations before making this thread & knew someone was gonna bring it up and the thread was gonna blow up off of that

    there’s levels to this s***

  • Nov 27, 2020
    Astronaut Dad

    actually, if you read my post carefully, its a question.

    Learn to pronounce
    noun: accusation; plural noun: accusations

    a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
    "accusations of bribery"

    Learn to pronounce
    noun: question; plural noun: questions

    a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information.
    "we hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions"

    hope this helps

    a rhetorical question

    you knew what you were doing, dont play devils advocate here lmaoo

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply

    also what made you jump to king krule?

    did you hear something about him doing what you accused him of (genuinely curious btw)

    seems pretty baseless to me, knowing his character

  • Nov 27, 2020

    "actually it was a question ha ha"

  • Nov 27, 2020

    also what made you jump to king krule?

    did you hear something about him doing what you accused him of (genuinely curious btw)

    seems pretty baseless to me, knowing his character

    Their sound is similar = They must both be rapists

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply

    take your time finding that evidence/source btw @Okonkwo

    i know that's what youre doing rn instead of responding to me

  • Nov 27, 2020

    Wasn’t he beating b****es?