I'm talking truly producing masterpieces in fine arts, film, music, dance and poetry. Personally I think it's possible it would just take an extraordinary individual and a very long time. Like those renaissance figures
I know it’s a cliche but the fact that Donald Glover has starred in a movie as big as The Lion King, written a show as good as Atlanta, been nominated for an album of the year Grammy for an album where he sings and has acclaimed rap projects is pretty unbelievable
I have no doubt he could be at least relatively successful in something like poetry and even painting/art if that was something he chose to spend a solid period of the next 40 years mastering
I know it’s a cliche but the fact that Donald Glover has starred in a movie as big as The Lion King, written a show as good as Atlanta, been nominated for an album of the year Grammy for an album where he sings and has acclaimed rap projects is pretty unbelievable
I have no doubt he could be at least relatively successful in something like poetry and even painting/art if that was something he chose to spend a solid period of the next 40 years mastering
That's so true Atlanta is genuinely a good show and he is great at acting
Who, for reference, might we call a modern-day Renaissance man? Elon Musk would be one perfect example. He has devoted years of his life to a handful of revolutionary projects, including the production of some of the world’s finest electric cars and a space-faring company, that make perfect use of the technologies of our time. He doesn’t try to do it all; he succeeds at his pursuits because he pursues them doggedly. Also, he’s really smart and stuff.
You can be technically proficient but you might not have "it" for one of the crafts, also you'll carry the baggage of your other pursuits for better or worse
only 30?
I mean I’d probably not accomplish every single thing I’d want to at that point but optimistically I’d at least accomplish some things and on my way to other things
mastering a craft is a very specific pursuit yet you think these extremely broad categories could be completely mastered themselves, let alone all of them?
wow, almost a full page in and no sign of "idk op could it be possible to master some b****es?"
ktt2 in its final days
I really don't think so. I guess it depends on how you define 'master'. Does mastering music mean you can play every instrument? Write proficiently in every genre?
And where do we draw the line in whats called an artistic pursuit? Are fashion and cooking included?
I know it’s a cliche but the fact that Donald Glover has starred in a movie as big as The Lion King, written a show as good as Atlanta, been nominated for an album of the year Grammy for an album where he sings and has acclaimed rap projects is pretty unbelievable
I have no doubt he could be at least relatively successful in something like poetry and even painting/art if that was something he chose to spend a solid period of the next 40 years mastering
Who, for reference, might we call a modern-day Renaissance man? Elon Musk would be one perfect example. He has devoted years of his life to a handful of revolutionary projects, including the production of some of the world’s finest electric cars and a space-faring company, that make perfect use of the technologies of our time. He doesn’t try to do it all; he succeeds at his pursuits because he pursues them doggedly. Also, he’s really smart and stuff.
Who, for reference, might we call a modern-day Renaissance man? Elon Musk would be one perfect example. He has devoted years of his life to a handful of revolutionary projects, including the production of some of the world’s finest electric cars and a space-faring company, that make perfect use of the technologies of our time. He doesn’t try to do it all; he succeeds at his pursuits because he pursues them doggedly. Also, he’s really smart and stuff.