I think Gods Country can work with multiple songs off SHMG, when you think about ye using smhg demos for songs like reborn or itaky
I mean, Reborn was repurposed from 2015/16 sessions so the sky's the limit at this point, would be dope
if the album is following in the same context of WUITB then definitely, but you never know what Ye going to bring to the table
Bru this what I been sayin since this dropped. This has that quintessential SHMG sound
If we got:
1. I Am Not Here
2. God Level
3. Wash Us In the Blood
and at some point I Feel Like That.... that'd be some heat
It all fits sound-wise too
I wouldn't even be mad if Dre remixed Awesome and threw that mix on there too
F*** it
Don’t do this to me
Don’t think he’s gonna rap about putting cocks in your daughter tho
Could easily just change it to put thoughts in your daughter