Definitely were
Couldn't listen to the album in full til this weekend (no headphones) but OJJ was even off the phone speakers
But you're taking it too far in the opposite love for Tell Me Where to Go?????
it's just too vanilla for a peggy beat it dont hit my ears right
No STH Vol.2?
I've seen vids of the tour and the energy looks fun as f*** but does anyone think Danny looks hella bored while performing lol
It was a very nonchalant energy that I felt contrasted Peggy well. In person I’d say it translated to a seasoned veteran putting on a virtuoso performance. Didn’t miss one single word, like the other post quoting you said
song of the year still
still song of the year
HOE (Heaven On Earth) gotta be top 2 beats on here
s*** is ridiculous
The bounce on the first part is f***ing insane
Crazy how much love this is getting, great to see
Beats are incredible
Danny REALLY shines on this, man is attacking beats that would eat most MFs up
Kills every hook he's on too, man is ANGELIC on the OJJ hook
Just wish jpeg brought his best writing for this
s*** hard. album been on repeat for a min
MF showed up to speak love and still found a way to get some hating in
MF showed up to speak love and still found a way to get some hating in
I only showed love wym
we bumping it inside💯💯💯