  • Jan 23, 2021

    damn life really bout to be like deus ex

  • Jan 23, 2021
    2 replies

    “Dr. Fauci says”

    Ohhh brother. This guy the biggest clout chaser of the pandemic man. Get a real job lame ass herb. Dude been getting paid to say s*** won’t get better any time soon for the past 11 months. Guy is a loser and should be ignored. Nonstop contradictory statements from him.

  • Jan 23, 2021

    Even if this strain did render the vaccines useless, the absolute worst case scenario, which is not something any experts are suggesting (the one study we have showed a "small but significant" drop in efficacy from 95%, which could still be perfectly fine as far as herd immunity goes), the chief executive of BioNTech said it would only take about 6 weeks to update the vaccine. So we wouldn't necessarily be looking at another year without an effective vaccine.

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    I hate spending my 20s in a pandemic

    Fr man i was 19 about to go in dorms for my first yr of college was so excited now ill be 21 by the time this s*** is over halfway done with my degree do u know how f***ed up it is ill never get that experience

  • Jan 23, 2021

    So why we still giving vaccines out then i swear people say one thing about the covid one day and then say something different the next, and then y’all wonder why people say f*** it and just go out partying since y’all never want to just stick to one story

  • Jan 23, 2021

    whispers that’s normal. It’s that way with the flu too

    Literally this

  • Jan 23, 2021

    Fr man i was 19 about to go in dorms for my first yr of college was so excited now ill be 21 by the time this s*** is over halfway done with my degree do u know how f***ed up it is ill never get that experience

    Dam first year at dorms is a crazy experience too


  • Jan 23, 2021

    People really freaking the f*** out cause there's new strains coming out like this is some type of super virus.. When in reality this is literally common as f***.

    Eventually the country is gonna need to make a choice on how it wants to proceed into the future. The government cannot carry the economy for the next 5+ years while this s*** lingers.

  • Jan 23, 2021

    I hate spending my 20s in a pandemic

  • Jan 23, 2021

    “Dr. Fauci says”

    Ohhh brother. This guy the biggest clout chaser of the pandemic man. Get a real job lame ass herb. Dude been getting paid to say s*** won’t get better any time soon for the past 11 months. Guy is a loser and should be ignored. Nonstop contradictory statements from him.

    You’re that one trumpo guy huh

  • Jan 23, 2021

    whispers that’s normal. It’s that way with the flu too

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

  • Jan 23, 2021

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    How hard is it for someone to say "the vaccine works, when x% of the population gets vaccinated things will return to normal"

  • Jan 23, 2021

    I’m partying like it’s 1999 this summer foh

  • Jan 23, 2021

    Some men just want to watch the world burn

  • RASIE 🦦
    Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    How hard is it for someone to say "the vaccine works, when x% of the population gets vaccinated things will return to normal"

    Pretty hard when the vaccine isn't intended to make you immune. Even harder to say that when people have been casually talking about it like it's some kind of winning lottery ticket out of lockdown and the social safety measures (distancing, masks, travel, etc), when it's not, nor was it ever was meant to be such a thing.

  • Jan 23, 2021

    “Dr. Fauci says”

    Ohhh brother. This guy the biggest clout chaser of the pandemic man. Get a real job lame ass herb. Dude been getting paid to say s*** won’t get better any time soon for the past 11 months. Guy is a loser and should be ignored. Nonstop contradictory statements from him.


  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Pretty hard when the vaccine isn't intended to make you immune. Even harder to say that when people have been casually talking about it like it's some kind of winning lottery ticket out of lockdown and the social safety measures (distancing, masks, travel, etc), when it's not, nor was it ever was meant to be such a thing.

    There isn’t conclusive proof, but all signs point towards the vaccine stopping transmission. People don’t want to live with indefinite COVID restrictions. A vaccine that stops transmission puts an end date on COVID restrictions.

    Under these circumstances, they shouldn’t have to wait for a peer-reviewed study to tell us, especially since millions are already getting vaccinated and I don’t see a plan B

  • Jan 23, 2021

    In Biontech We Trust

    Every politician been getting their vaccine
    Israel been getting their vaccine

    It must be good

  • RASIE 🦦
    Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    There isn’t conclusive proof, but all signs point towards the vaccine stopping transmission. People don’t want to live with indefinite COVID restrictions. A vaccine that stops transmission puts an end date on COVID restrictions.

    Under these circumstances, they shouldn’t have to wait for a peer-reviewed study to tell us, especially since millions are already getting vaccinated and I don’t see a plan B

    Huh? If there has been any piece of consistent information about the vaccine, from weeks before it came out up until now, is that it does not stop transmission. It isn't even specifically designed to stop transmission: it's purpose to increase your resistance to picking up the virus should you come into contact with someone who is positive — while helping to decrease the chances of having severe symptoms if you get it.

    Does it create an environment when transmission rates are potentially slowed down signifcantly? Yes. But it doesn't stop transmission, which is why they've been reiterating for weeks that you can still catch it from others after getting the vaccination, you're just less likely to. It's also why everyone at my hospital who has gotten vaccinated in the past week has also been instructed to not only wear the typical mask/gloves and social distance, but they also must wear face shields now as well.

    And lets say it hypothetically does stop transmission... Even then, it still would not be a "get out of jail free card" from lockdown or social cautions for those who receive it. Just because someone might be immune, doesn't mean any virus that contacts their clothing/skin/belongings gets vaporized on sight. There would still be a decent amount of lockdown time and caution for everyone, vaccinated or not. Which is why it's so ridiculous how many people i've seen talking about the vaccine like it will create an invisible aura of 100% anti-covid protection around them and give them renewed freedom in life.

  • wusgood

    whispers that’s normal. It’s that way with the flu too

    people are ridiculous

  • they’ll update this every year just like everything else

  • Jan 23, 2021
    CLB DuK3 Du3C3 FaN

    i DoNT MiND iT. THe Ma$K$ aRe DRiP, RiDe$HaRe aND DeLiVeRie$ aRe THRiViNG WHiCH i$ MY FieLD, CuRB$iDe i$ aN uNeXPeCTeD BLe$iNG, Le$ CRoWD$, $HiT$ GReaT

    This all well and good until you realize millions have died

  • New strains. Man what the heck lol they’re trying to drag this for as long as they can.