They coulda did better with Jet’s adaption. Not in love with it.
Spike is alright… a blasian actor woulda been idea, so they could do the fro justice.
anime characters always got big wild hair
Y’all “fans” gotta stop supporting s*** like this
yeah like we asked for this s***
yeah like we asked for this s***
I’m on the front lines protesting right now, I don’t see none of y’all niggas
i think ed would be the hardest character in the show to nail in live action
but ed is so essential to the vibe of bebop once the show gets into the swing of things idk how they can skip her
Do you think they could find a talented POC trans actor to fill it?
Do you think they could find a talented POC trans actor to fill it?
I hope they do I’d be suuuuper bummed if they just skip her
Damn I coulda did a much better job at casting and stage design. They didn't capture any of the lore around Bebop
Do you think they could find a talented POC trans actor to fill it?
They just need to find a bubbly young poc actor
Being trans is irrelevant to the character
People are gonna complain about Faye not being "sexy enough"
Everyone lse looks fine, albeit a little cosplay-y.
They shoulda stayed more faithful to the original character design
Nothing wrong with s***appeal, this new Faye looks so boring
The more I see and hear Cho, the more I’m coming around to him being Spike
hell no
the nerdy guy from harold and kumar as spike
they couldn't find a cool asian dude?
I know they did this to secure themselves from another whitewashing scandal a la Ghost in the Shell but honestly Spike has always been a white dude in my head.