wow idk about this, album full of crazy
feats, master p, elton john, mase with system of a down
wow idk about this, album full of crazy
!, master p, elton john, mase with system of a down
And that's Serj singing on the chorus too
crazy out of all of them ozzy is the only one who lived
I read he participated in a genetic study on alcohol abuse because it was suppose to be impossible for a human to sustain that much alcohol abuse. They discovered he had a rare 1/1000 mutation that allowed his body to process alcohol differently and thats how he survived
Also make sure you get the Extreme Edition it's got more tracks iirc
Brad Logan is probably my favorite on it besides H****Rainbow and Nowhere To Run
Bubblegoose by Wyclef with the boys on the hook doing backing and harmonizing for Wyflef too
This album and the corresponding episode is a perfect encapsulation of the 90s alt vibe and counterculture from all angles
And South Park just happened to kind of be a perfect epicenter for it
Great loosies by Devo and Ween on there as well:
!! read he participated in a genetic study on alcohol abuse because it was suppose to be impossible for a human to sustain that much alcohol abuse. They discovered he had a rare 1/1000 mutation that allowed his body to process alcohol differently and thats how he survived
thats crazy wtf