  • PIMP 💿
    Aug 3, 2020

    xxxtentacion & billie eilish song would've had the younger gen in a headlock

  • Aug 3, 2020
    3 replies

    stop trying to promote your music , I heard it its corny and trash

    You a hater and I’m better than you. Matter of fact. I’m gonna be better than Kanye b**** nigga. Your dad looking kinda washed out here

  • Aug 3, 2020

    stop trying to promote your music , I heard it its corny and trash

  • Aug 3, 2020

    The Mac disrespect itt is disgusting

  • Aug 3, 2020
    Chloe Hotleezy

    You a hater and I’m better than you. Matter of fact. I’m gonna be better than Kanye b**** nigga. Your dad looking kinda washed out here

  • Aug 3, 2020
    2 replies
    Chloe Hotleezy

    You a hater and I’m better than you. Matter of fact. I’m gonna be better than Kanye b**** nigga. Your dad looking kinda washed out here

    damn you probably right

    lets share your music here to see what everyone thinks of it and if they think you're better than Kanye

  • Aug 3, 2020

    stop trying to promote your music , I heard it its corny and trash


  • Aug 3, 2020
    Zack From The Six

    The way terms like ''legend'' or ''GOAT'' is being thrown around these days

  • Aug 3, 2020
    1 reply

    damn you probably right

    lets share your music here to see what everyone thinks of it and if they think you're better than Kanye


    Cellphone >>>>>> entire Jesus Is King record if i was writing for Ye and he was focused in on music he’d have another classic

  • Aug 3, 2020
    1 reply
    Chloe Hotleezy

    Cellphone >>>>>> entire Jesus Is King record if i was writing for Ye and he was focused in on music he’d have another classic

    I respect you for fighting to get your spot , but you need to stop with the disrespect

    and I think JIK is trash to mid


    I respect you for fighting to get your spot , but you need to stop with the disrespect

    and I think JIK is trash to mid

    Stop being confident in my abilities? Nah that’s how you end up last

  • it got hot in here real quick

  • Aug 3, 2020

    @op showing he's homophobic and racist excluding Lil Peep


    tired of niggas overlooking peep tbh

  • Aug 3, 2020

    Me: I want Mac Miller and Lil Peep back
    2020: We have Mac Miller and Lil Peep at home
    Mac Miller and Lil Peep at home:


    F*** we white guys are so misrepresented right now

  • Aug 3, 2020

    Lil Peep aka Lil junkie head

    but when i made a joke about mac miller doing d**** and f***ing prostitutes niggas was fuming for like 2-3 pages straight 🙄

  • Aug 3, 2020

    Crazy how you forgot the only artist who actually changed music
    Lil Peep

  • Aug 3, 2020
    2 replies

    as much as i like nipsey he wasnt that big of an artist outside the US. I may even say out side of california tbh. also he had good music but nothinf special imo. Ktt been hating on mac miller through the years, but as soon as he dies hes a “goat”

    ktt wasnt hating on mac

    the general consensus that he was the cool white kid that hip hop adopted

  • Aug 3, 2020

    Mac Miller still had so much to prove, Pop Smoke too

    the rest are cool but they weren't growing anymore , still RIP to them

    RIP Nip tho , he was a legend in these streets

    and f*** yall for never talking about Lil Peep , he was more important for the emo rap sound than Juice or X

  • Aug 3, 2020
    dat guy

    they gotta take em young too its crazy, how noone can flow like biggie, write poetry like pac or pun like big L to this day,

    these dudes unique asf.

    Juice WRLD made an hour long record off the dome, we ain't getting something like this ever again


    all due respect op, and rip to juice...
    but what was this? 2 years ago? a year and half ago? something like this WILL happen again.

  • Aug 3, 2020

    ok I tried being polite, but u a goofy

    his first album is filled with unfinished ideas and hot trash , it has moments where you see that he can grow and become a better artist but most of it is just unrefined ideas so f*** off b****

    na you're gonna have to hold an L

    X's discography is HUGEEEEEE

    kid had so much f***ing potential

  • Tubig 🌊
    Aug 3, 2020

    stop trying to promote your music , I heard it its corny and trash


  • Aug 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Mac- already proved his talent and impact as a solo artist. Also a non corny white rapper
    Pop smoke- a niche artist that was coming up finally in early 2020 due to the Travis and Quavo co sign.
    Nipsey- legend in LA but majority didn’t listen to his music until he passed and then they started to respect the message
    X- versatile artist. Huge figure and impact to the youth plus great numbers. Was going to be the next big hit for rappers this decade
    Juice- same thing^ minus the figure/controversial
    Peep- another niche artist in the emo rap lane. Wasn’t going to be any bigger than that. Which is fine. He pleased his core audience

  • Aug 3, 2020
    2 replies
    CNA Lov3ly

    ktt wasnt hating on mac

    the general consensus that he was the cool white kid that hip hop adopted

    Wasn’t ktt considering him the best white rapper at one point lmao

  • Aug 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Mac Miller still had so much to prove, Pop Smoke too

    the rest are cool but they weren't growing anymore , still RIP to them

    RIP Nip tho , he was a legend in these streets

    and f*** yall for never talking about Lil Peep , he was more important for the emo rap sound than Juice or X

    Juice was growing more and more my king...?

  • Aug 3, 2020

    Juice was growing more and more my king...?

    Him and X. I was like wtf wen I read that