How about we kick out all religous people
OP mentionin theocracy?! even the intellectually defective WASPy conservatives not talkin that reckless. you can keep all dis
Bro id be all in on this s***post but im actually muslim and I dont want niggas at my door
also no interest on any loans and no pork
No interest but everything cost no?
native americans get their lands and r left alone we get the rest boom thats a good amt of ppl on our side
let's establish an Islamic matriarchy
Any creed that doesn’t recognize the greatness of pork is not deserving of respect on any level.
I like my Sweet n Sour/BBQ pork, Ham & Bacon so no thanks
we'll let u keep it ok
let's establish an Islamic matriarchy
women r 3x more important than men in the quran so im down
In let’s bring back the golden age when bagdad ruled the world
Alsalamu aliekum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Ahki We have to first make our Tawheed Clear. Khilafah is fighting every Kuffar of the world and Doing Jihad against Dajjal and all their slaves UN Followers from Kuffar Mushrikeen Munafiqeen and Murtadeen. America by themselves are agents and part of organizations like the UN which directly control Allah Enemies. May Allah subhan wa taala save us from the Fitnah of Dajjal