  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    What you want? A Drake Stan writing his reviews

    A nigga who doesn't listen to Bon Jovi and shop at Whole Foods writing reviews on Hip-Hop tapes

  • May 7, 2020

    What you want? A Drake Stan writing his reviews

    I can live with black critics not liking drake but i will never take any cacs opinion on hiphop seriously

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Was this by any chance written by a c***

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Guy’s released 6 albums in the last 5 years (and is about to release another one over the summer) in which 3 of these projects were 80+ minutes long

    And even in 2019 where he didn’t release any music, guy was still incredibly omnipresent through features and standalone singles

    I think ppl are busy getting a little tired of Drake lmao

  • May 7, 2020

    doot doot yet again speaking facts. he don’t miss

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply
    doot doot


  • May 7, 2020
    3 replies

    im not even a huge drake fan, but i loved it, been playing it and greece nonstop. dont see why everybody seems to be hating on it
    his next album shaping up to be a classic

  • tupacarti

    im not even a huge drake fan, but i loved it, been playing it and greece nonstop. dont see why everybody seems to be hating on it
    his next album shaping up to be a classic

    Ultimate name and avi

  • May 7, 2020


    his names chase

  • May 7, 2020

    im not even a huge drake fan, but i loved it, been playing it and greece nonstop. dont see why everybody seems to be hating on it
    his next album shaping up to be a classic


  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    A nigga who doesn't listen to Bon Jovi and shop at Whole Foods writing reviews on Hip-Hop tapes

    Ya have a point but they need to be able to review the music,not the hype surrounding it,cause other people like it etc. I don’t want a Hypebeast reviewing music.

  • May 7, 2020

    once again he made a great album for white girls to quote on their ig

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    These dudes turn off hip hop albums and turn on 3 doors down as soon as theyre done writing their "review". I dont give a f*** if its positive or negative please only give respected hiphop peoples opinion the attention yall give these "critics"

  • May 7, 2020

    i dont know how ppl feel so strongly about a couple drake songs

  • May 7, 2020

    Stop calling it leaks and demos to justify whatever. Its music that was shared like all his other music. And it's still fire

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Ya have a point but they need to be able to review the music,not the hype surrounding it,cause other people like it etc. I don’t want a Hypebeast reviewing music.

    Nah, that's the issue. White men gotta be putting their two cents in everything and think they always know best.

    This is exhibited with Fantano and his whole fanbase existence.

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    personally i think he should of given us 14 tracks of ratchet happy birthday to feed the masses

  • May 7, 2020

    Everyone knows they'll get jayz or kendrick or cole etc etc rapping their ass off on an album and thats what they want. No one knows what they'll get from drake in terms of rapping/singing and style so they make up in their head what they want from him and when he doesnt deliver what they want they s*** on him. I keep saying drake will never have a universally loved album because everyone wants something different from him

  • May 7, 2020

    why are we even paying any attention to them

  • May 7, 2020

    personally i think he should of given us 14 tracks of ratchet happy birthday to feed the masses

    in for this

  • May 7, 2020

    Nah, that's the issue. White men gotta be putting their two cents in everything and think they always know best.

    This is exhibited with Fantano and his whole fanbase existence.

    I feel ya,I kinda wish someone would invest in XXL and give them a comeback,fill the office with rap heads with a modern understanding of the new stuff. P4K shouldn’t be the authority on rap.

  • May 7, 2020

    laughable that this and changes have horrible reviews when they're in fact the best projects of 2020 thus far

  • May 7, 2020
    gimme a hug

  • May 7, 2020
    1 reply

    I think Drake fatigue is starting to settle in onto music listeners/critics

    Good thing critics don’t matter in the real world

  • May 7, 2020

    Imagine rating a demo tape 🤣