  • 1. From Outside A Window Sill
    2. Side By Side
    3. The Bug
    4. AMAMA
    5. Genie
    6. Crushxd
    7. Nightly News
    8. (Alone In) Brussels
    9. Sleep Talk
    10. Dust Bunny
    11. Swarmed
    12. XXX

  • May 14
    1 reply
    Poolboy Q

    1. From Outside A Window Sill
    2. Side By Side
    3. The Bug
    4. AMAMA
    5. Genie
    6. Crushxd
    7. Nightly News
    8. (Alone In) Brussels
    9. Sleep Talk
    10. Dust Bunny
    11. Swarmed
    12. XXX


    i like their singles but haven’t checked out an album of theirs, I gotta go back

    Locket was a beautiful track, mesmerizing as f***

  • whippet volverse

    i like their singles but haven’t checked out an album of theirs, I gotta go back

    Locket was a beautiful track, mesmerizing as f***

    Locket EP is great

    Jinx from 2019 is nice too

  • Out now!

  • fire as expected

  • May 17

    Only listened to Jinx. Is that there best album or do they have even better than that and which?

  • May 18

    they have such a good ear for melodies, really liking this one

  • Side By Side

  • May 22

    Any good?