The Diddy/Cassie video is just the warmup for the Kendrick/Whitney video
Yall drake fans so f***ing weird. Mfs talk abt “U PRAYING HE A PEDOPHILE” when someone say the mf talks to way too many minors but then actually hope that kendrick beat his wife and theirs video proof? U mfs are as sick as drake
The Diddy/Cassie video is just the warmup for the Kendrick/Whitney video
Weird as f***.
Lock this thread up man..
"hoping and praying"
its a common phrase man
"The phrase "hope and pray" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you want to express the idea that someone is wishing for something to happen and asking a higher power to make it happen. For example: "I hope and pray that my mother's surgery is successful." You will hope and pray."
Mr. Steve.. I don’t normally butt into your takes.. but you can hope and pray about bad things and that’s is a lot worse than hoping and praying for a successful surgery. So even as a form of expression, it is very nasty work, worse than being convinced he did it and expressing your hatred for being ignorant of the situation because the lack of information.
Mr. Steve.. I don’t normally butt into your takes.. but you can hope and pray about bad things and that’s is a lot worse than hoping and praying for a successful surgery. So even as a form of expression, it is very nasty work, worse than being convinced he did it and expressing your hatred for being ignorant of the situation because the lack of information.
Please brother do butt in my takes - not even trolling.
You have a good point - thanks for the explanation. I understand it better now
This s*** might really go up to the highest levels of the government
We need to know how many beats
how has no one caught this nigga walking around with this s*** yet
Chris Alvarez has filed for asylum in Ghana.
There he can follow all the under age girls back in peace
There he can follow all the under age girls back in peace
share with me your address - i want to meet u
share with me your address - i want to meet u
You can't fool me, I'm familiar with your game
This ‘working overtime to hoping and praying’ has been regurgitated so much im convinced half of you follow a script atp
I aint seen s*** about hoping and praying. Conspiratorial thoughts? Yeah. Disgust and concern at potential rumours? Yeah. But nothing about hoping its true or using another real life experience of a situation to crack jokes about something with ZERO basis to it like Kendrick beating up Whitney
Lmao you just said what I said differently
He liked this tweet.
Idk if it correlates with Escobar stuff Drake had in Family Matters video at all