All he said was he can't believe the album is dropping
Not a diss
nah i think he backtracked like snoop when ye wore the snoop shirt
vory is from dream chasers records
nah i think he backtracked like snoop when ye wore the snoop shirt
vory is from dream chasers records
I know who Vory is. Still stand behind what I said from the beginning that Meek didn't diss Ye and y'all were reaching.
All he said was he can't believe the album is dropping
Not a diss
This def wasn't about him not believing the album was dropping imo. He just did the now classical Meek backpedaling move that we're all getting used to
This def wasn't about him not believing the album was dropping imo. He just did the now classical Meek backpedaling move that we're all getting used to
I disagree until further evidence
He not lying
Can’t think of one rapper that fits that description though
can't recall the last time kanye killed s*** he been ass for a hot minute, hope he can bounce back next album
He’s right. 00s Ye is a different story
Right, New Ye hasn’t been killing Every feature or beat lmao that’s hella cap. He’s been hit or miss lately, but hopefully he steps his bars up on Donda.
2004-2012 Ye was killing everything tho.
Na he saying ye don’t be killing s***
Lmao niggas don’t like to call a spade a spade on here. Like how you can interpret that in any other way
The funny thing is... ye is literally a certified billionaire now. And recently divorced lol
I have high expectations for bars and wordplay on this upcoming album fr
Yeah if this motivated Ye to step his bars up moving forward, I’m all for it