Cudi blocked him, he didn't even tagged or mentioned him.
Cudi has always been sensitive about his art. I personally tho don't find any Travis impression in MOTM3.
Theres a difference between saying
"Travis inspired Cudi" and "Cudi is doing an average Travis impression"
MOTMIII wasn't amazing, it didn't match the first two but it wasn't very Travis esque besides that one song.
The initial tweet is disrespectful af don't try to downplay it by saying he was talking inspiration
These artists gain literally nothing by engaging with randoms on social media when will they ever learn
I mean cudi isn’t wrong. There’s maybe one or two songs total that sound like Travis lol.
Theres a difference between saying
"Travis inspired Cudi" and "Cudi is doing an average Travis impression"
MOTMIII wasn't amazing, it didn't match the first two but it wasn't very Travis esque besides that one song.
The initial tweet is disrespectful af don't try to downplay it by saying he was talking inspiration
I thought it will help shorten the title it wasn't my intention to downplay that moron's opinion.
ngl this and that time he got upset about that tik tok trend with "now look at this" make him look really lame
Travis inspired Demon Slayer, you can say what ties MOTM3 with Travis is Mike Dean production which is present also in BITTSM
I mean cudi isn’t wrong. There’s maybe one or two songs total that sound like Travis lol.
That's literally just that guy's opinion so who cares. Looking yourself up on Twitter or Google is some washed artist s***, I hate to see Cudi like this if it weren't true you wouldn't be this insecure about it.
I heard this nigga “yeah yeah-ing” all over some songs and it was gross
Theres a difference between saying
"Travis inspired Cudi" and "Cudi is doing an average Travis impression"
MOTMIII wasn't amazing, it didn't match the first two but it wasn't very Travis esque besides that one song.
The initial tweet is disrespectful af don't try to downplay it by saying he was talking inspiration