annoying part of this whole beef, unless he outlines it in the interview, is we still don't really know the whole story. and you can't really take a side unless you know the whole entire story.
But we do know the story lol theres nothing really mysterious about it
Ye lost his wife
His wife seduced Pete
Pete, like any rational nigga with a brain would, f***ed
and Cudi, being friends with both, tried to stay out of it and got pulled into the middle
It’s really that simple to me
Everything else is fan fiction
“If you can’t be a grown man and deal with the fact that you lost your woman? That’s not my f***ing problem. You need to own up to your s*** like every man in this life has. I’ve lost women, too. And I’ve had to own up to it. I don’t need that in my life. I don’t need it.”
'Cudi’s baby mama, Jacqueline Munyasya, told authorities that he texted her 168 times in the span of four days.'
Aye man. The Ye s*** definitely didn’t help. Not disputing that. The general public sided wit him in that dispute tho.
However, I can list a bunch of s*** he’s done that has nothing to do with Ye. If you’re doing dope s*** people would’ve just chalked it up to Ye being Ye.
We’re talking about the rabid Ye stans though who don’t even know music like that and are more into it for the antics, this is the kind of stuff they eat up it’s like a fun game for them. It’s not about the general public
Ok here are my thoughts
1. I definitely see where Cudi’s coming from on the “there are no repercussions” thing for Ye, and I’m glad to see someone finally putting their foot down and not being a yes man while he acts like a child.
2. That said, this man is out here giving a whole interview acting like a child himself when if he’d really like to be the bigger man he should just move confidently and let the music speak. Tour’s coming up and he should be focused on that rather than his bruised ego.
3. The Dior cock sock is f***ing hilarious to me for some reason
“If you can’t be a grown man and deal with the fact that you lost your woman? That’s not my f***ing problem. You need to own up to your s*** like every man in this life has. I’ve lost women, too. And I’ve had to own up to it. I don’t need that in my life. I don’t need it.”
'Cudi’s baby mama, Jacqueline Munyasya, told authorities that he texted her 168 times in the span of four days.'
“If you can’t be a grown man and deal with the fact that you lost your woman? That’s not my f***ing problem. You need to own up to your s*** like every man in this life has. I’ve lost women, too. And I’ve had to own up to it. I don’t need that in my life. I don’t need it.”
'Cudi’s baby mama, Jacqueline Munyasya, told authorities that he texted her 168 times in the span of four days.'
Lol this is miles tamed compared to what ye was doing back in January
Ye was and still is making memes of PD
So Pete can make fun of everything Kanye goes thru but Kanye cant do it
Pete Davidson really has been a stain on culture ever since he got involved with Ariana and was disrespecting Mac
Gonna go spin KSG again, at least we got that and Moon before all of this mess
Lol this is miles tamed compared to what ye was doing back in January
No it's not bro lol, some of those texts were off the wall
Pete Davidson really has been a stain on culture ever since he got involved with Ariana and was disrespecting Mac
Gonna go spin KSG again, at least we got that and Moon before all of this mess
destroying cudi and ye relationship is really pete davidsons 9/11
The argument against his points is that he doesn’t even stand on what he himself is preaching.
Yeah yeah
Obviously cudi is flawed as well but that doesn’t make him wrong here
His relationship with Ye is obviously different than his and Drake’s
And the situations being brought up are from years ago, even the drake beef point goes back to 2016
So Pete can make fun of everything Kanye goes thru but Kanye cant do it
I’m just comparing and contrasting that last post on how ye was acting like a legit child on Instagram over PD
Yeah yeah
Obviously cudi is flawed as well but that doesn’t make him wrong here
His relationship with Ye is obviously different than his and Drake’s
And the situations being brought up are from years ago, even the drake beef point goes back to 2016
fatherless part 500
destroying cudi and ye relationship is really pete davidsons 9/11
It’s layers to this joke with his dad jesus lmao
Yeah yeah
Obviously cudi is flawed as well but that doesn’t make him wrong here
His relationship with Ye is obviously different than his and Drake’s
And the situations being brought up are from years ago, even the drake beef point goes back to 2016
Who’s talking about Drake?
No it's not bro lol, some of those texts were off the wall
Ye was acting a fool on Instagram for 4 months bruh. Stop yes both that s*** childish but what ye did as a grown man is even more childish than sending 168 texts
Ye was acting a fool on Instagram for 4 months bruh. Stop yes both that s*** childish but what ye did as a grown man is even more childish than sending 168 texts
It was like 2 weeks in reality
Cudi’s right about the losing Kim part
Rich coming from the man who :
caught a case breaking/entering an ex's apartment ..literally ripped the hinges off her door and smashed her phone .. because chick wouldnt take his calls
Stalked and threatened his babymom's to the point a restraining order had to be issued
Threatened to murder Jhene Aiko after she left his friend for Sean Don ( Sound familiar ? )
...but yes,totally within dude's rights to virtue signal about something he has failed at miserably time and time again