I think we can agree both pete and ye are immature weirdos who have been pampered by hollywood
Cudi too actually
Pete's a predator/groomer
Kudi's a felon/abuser
I'd take Ye being a "weirdo" over either of those
y'all are way too toxic. couldn't be me. all love. !!
Straight up, a lot of disturbed souls on here projecting their hurt, sadness, and bitterness on others
Pete's a predator/groomer
Kudi's a felon/abuser
I'd take Ye being a "weirdo" over either of those
Dont know if you wanna go this route when being a rapist is the most sureproof way to get into Kanyes circle nowadays
“w dude”
Stop being a b**** Kid Cudi
I swear to god if you niggas saw Kanye and your own mama drowning in a lake and you could only save 1 you niggas would AT LEAST think about saving Ye
Save Kanye and have him perform Hey Mama at the funeral
not serious
I swear to god if you niggas saw Kanye and your own mama drowning in a lake and you could only save 1 you niggas would AT LEAST think about saving Ye
ngl this made me laugh at least have to think for a second
Dont know if you wanna go this route when being a rapist is the most sureproof way to get into Kanyes circle nowadays
Really? ..If that were the case, abuse protagonists Pete and Scott would be showing up for Yeezy/Balenciaga photo shoots.
ngl this made me laugh at least have to think for a second
Momma, Yeezy, both of you get on my back, I can carry this burden
Only you can’t swim so you both end up dying leaving your mama to wonder why in the hell didn’t this nigga just use the life preserver
Jokes aside, yeah Ye is lame as hell and it hurts to see it come to this point
man hasn't done a good solo album since MOTM and has the audacity to do this s***
I swear to god if you niggas saw Kanye and your own mama drowning in a lake and you could only save 1 you niggas would AT LEAST think about saving Ye
Let’s be real some of them aren’t thinking at all and would even post on here afterwards that their mom didn’t make Yeezus
man hasn't done a good solo album since MOTM and has the audacity to do this s***
the first one?
Let’s be real some of them aren’t thinking at all and would even post on here afterwards that their mom didn’t make Yeezus
well she didn't but it's my mom, sorry Ye at least we got your discography
I swear to god if you niggas saw Kanye and your own mama drowning in a lake and you could only save 1 you niggas would AT LEAST think about saving Ye
Find God
man i'm tryn get some across to y'all niggas maybe YOU need to open your eyes and find god
Pete's a predator/groomer
Kudi's a felon/abuser
I'd take Ye being a "weirdo" over either of those
cudi was off the RAILS back in 2010
dating amanda bynes and all that
king rager