I would have called him out on it no matter what name he mentioned. I was like him too, I wanted more beefs because it's interesting but nah life is too short for that. We need to grow up and realize what's important in life.
I agree with that, I think people definitely get too bloodthirsty and invested in that stuff, but I get where Cudi's coming from, he doesn't want to perpetuate a cycle of Ye mistreating people close to him and everything being fine again, I'm all for reconciliation, but at a certain point in life you have to cut some people off if they don't change
some of y’all gettin off from postin that pic don’t lie
Stop projecting your feelings :paclaugh:
...Why a sock? Like they could've put a pillar or some type of rectangular surface in front of him and the shot would've been infinitely better lmaooo.
He didn't necessarily have to reference any other specific names/situations, but his reasoning is what it is
The pic isn't all that outrageous tbh, rockstars have been doing that sorta thing for ages, e.g Red Hot Chilli Peppers. IIRC dudes in PFunk too.
As far as his comments go IMO he just sounds hurt and we all know he's sensitive. Maybe it's what is best for him so he can get off that rollercoaster of a relationship. It just sucks that it has to be a public issue.
is he just sensitive or is Kanye genuinely in the wrong a lot of the time? niggas never hold Ye accountable just bc he's "the GOAT"
Yeah buddy we def know you're not Drake
Not really anything to brag about after the last what? 7 years of music from Drizzy
They were beefing for years lmao
Right? I thought it got resolved when they did that forgettable song on CLB but here he goes again starting it back up
...Why a sock? Like they could've put a pillar or some type of rectangular surface in front of him and the shot would've been infinitely better lmaooo.
He didn't necessarily have to reference any other specific names/situations, but his reasoning is what it is
The sock Dior tho
“Kid Cudi sends 12 text messages to Kanye West over 4 hours”
1. yoooo it’s da kid
2. i see how it is
3. please
4. f*** you
5. kids see ghosts 2 and the cartoon we got work to doooo letsgetit my brother!
6. i love you
7. f*** skete he trash
8. please just take me back my tour is failing
9. i will apologize to mike dean
10. dont ever talk to me again
12. bye forever a******
is he just sensitive or is Kanye genuinely in the wrong a lot of the time? niggas never hold Ye accountable just bc he's "the GOAT"
He's sensitive but not in a negative manner (how else would we get MOTM), some people aren't stoic like that, especially artists lol
And yes Ye is an a******, the friendship sounds toxic and when business comes into play it's hard to tell what's real
Finally the Tea is spilling 💅
Why tf is he trying to beef with Drake again
He’s just telling the truth tbh