Autumn time up your way gotta be f***in crazy huh?
It’s Elohim Phantom szn…
dat way
Universal’s monsters binge this szn gonna be epic
Have I ever brought up / have you seen Cinemassacre Monster Madness?
Have I ever brought up / have you seen Cinemassacre Monster Madness?
Nahhh tell me more
Nahhh tell me more
Best watched when October begins.
Avgn has been doing this for years, and it’s been a staple for me since I was a little kid
He does Godzilla athon, sequelathon, s***ty films, etc
Best watched when October begins.
Avgn has been doing this for years, and it’s been a staple for me since I was a little kid
He does Godzilla athon, sequelathon, s***ty films, etc
Does he do this every year?
Does he do this every year?
Usually, I think he takes a break from time to time. I’ll know once October 1st hits LOL
!dream Vampire Money aka SpaceGhostPurrp, Aztec Gods, Egyptian wall art, apocalypse --seed 3827677920