  • Oct 23, 2019
  • Oct 24, 2019
    16 replies

    Painfully waiting

  • Oct 24, 2019


  • Oct 24, 2019
    1 reply

    so excited

  • Oct 26, 2019
    5 replies

    this will be the greatest game of all time

  • Oct 28, 2019

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    this will be the greatest game of all time

    I keep saying the same thing. It’s gonna get 10/10’s everywhere.

  • Oct 28, 2019

    Painfully waiting

  • Oct 28, 2019

    Def copping

  • Oct 28, 2019

    Painfully waiting

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Need them highend AMD graphics cards out before this launch. Finna bless my new build for this game

  • Oct 29, 2019

    so excited

  • Oct 29, 2019

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Painfully waiting

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Interested to see what they do with the multiplayer aspect of the game they got in the works

  • Oct 30, 2019

    No 3rd person smh. I just refuse to support that.

  • Shinobi 🍵
    Oct 30, 2019

    Painfully waiting

  • Oct 30, 2019
    1 reply

    this will be the greatest game of all time

    Was until they took out key things that make a rpg fun..yeah lemme customize my character and never see them. Let me get some cool ass armor and never see it..I’ll never feel like I’m progressing. I won’t feel like a badass

  • Oct 30, 2019
    1 reply

    This first person only route is the reason Elder Scrolls will still be number one. Especially with all the money they’re finessing ES6 will have so much funding behind it. These new rpgs are f***ing their selves over

  • Oct 30, 2019
    1 reply

    This first person only route is the reason Elder Scrolls will still be number one. Especially with all the money they’re finessing ES6 will have so much funding behind it. These new rpgs are f***ing their selves over

    I would have enjoyed The Outer Worlds more if it had third person POV.

  • Oct 30, 2019
    4 replies

    I would have enjoyed The Outer Worlds more if it had third person POV.

    Exactly. I didn’t buy it because it lacked 3rd person. Also hear it lacks an endgame and you have to do everything over if you don’t 100% it by the end. It’s a lot if little dumb s*** these games are doing that are ruining them. I have the power of the dollar though. I ain’t supporting games that do this goofy s***

  • Oct 30, 2019
    1 reply

    Exactly. I didn’t buy it because it lacked 3rd person. Also hear it lacks an endgame and you have to do everything over if you don’t 100% it by the end. It’s a lot if little dumb s*** these games are doing that are ruining them. I have the power of the dollar though. I ain’t supporting games that do this goofy s***

    Got TOW for $1 on Xbox game pass. But yeah I won’t be buying the game unless it gets mod support on consoles.

  • Oct 30, 2019
    1 reply

    Got TOW for $1 on Xbox game pass. But yeah I won’t be buying the game unless it gets mod support on consoles.

    It’s not about the price really I just refuse to support it at all. Investing in that way in anyway tells obsidian and other companies watching that we support that bullshit. Gotta nip the bud while we can. Also gotta stop letting modders fix these niggas mistakes. Punish em

  • Oct 30, 2019

    It’s not about the price really I just refuse to support it at all. Investing in that way in anyway tells obsidian and other companies watching that we support that bullshit. Gotta nip the bud while we can. Also gotta stop letting modders fix these niggas mistakes. Punish em

    I understand that. The fisaco with Star War Battlefront shows we can control the industry with our dollars. I still enjoy the game for what it is though don’t get me wrong.

  • Oct 30, 2019
    2 replies

    Exactly. I didn’t buy it because it lacked 3rd person. Also hear it lacks an endgame and you have to do everything over if you don’t 100% it by the end. It’s a lot if little dumb s*** these games are doing that are ruining them. I have the power of the dollar though. I ain’t supporting games that do this goofy s***

    i cant stand when games force a perspective on you. that’s why i like rdr2 and bethesda games. sometimes i like playing first person and other times i like playing third. it’s so stupid that you spend all your time creating a character, and you can’t even see them. why even tease us with great character customization