2, most underrated OutKast song. Sounds like the worlds rly bout to end.
Perfect way to put it
Can never not feel the apocalypse listening to that song
The struggles of people born in the wrong place was really captured in that song.
The struggles of people born in the wrong place was really captured in that song.
“she say what you wanna be, she said “alive”
It made me think for second then look in her eyes
I coulda died”
s*** always got me like
Ngl one night i was off some s*** playing Aquemini and Atliens and after dozing off i had this crazy dream where the world was falling apart. Remember that s*** so vividly. Rly weird.
Part 1 is an all-time great rap song
Ngl one night i was off some s*** playing Aquemini and Atliens and after dozing off i had this crazy dream where the world was falling apart. Remember that s*** so vividly. Rly weird.
My I suggest laying off the d**** my good friend
Ngl one night i was off some s*** playing Aquemini and Atliens and after dozing off i had this crazy dream where the world was falling apart. Remember that s*** so vividly. Rly weird.
Bro did u get my notif
U still have that link to echoes of silence film? I cant find it anymore
“Approaching the final exit, i think i see four horsies...but i dont though...nigga ya wont know till its on ya”
Think pt 1 got it cause it’s easier on the ears but pt 2 def got better lyrics