Iām not go hold you b, this sound like a personal issue you should take up with someone that actually give a f***. Feel me?
Here u go again making everything gay.... Can't you just stop for a minute š”
Pop stars have plenty of gay fans. What did you expect?
thats literally what i said in my first post but the point is this is a hip hop forum and hip hop is known for being violent and disrespectful why yall heated bc of that ? like
Anyway since everyone itt and no one on this site been able to give me answers anywhere else, does one of yall know where to find that pic of G Herbo eating ass?
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Anyway since everyone itt and no one on this site been able to give me answers anywhere else, does one of yall know where to find that pic of G Herbo eating ass?
Has that 1 dababy stan commented on this issue yet!