tory dressing up in that costume for a music video titled "boogeyman" is peak tory s*** lmaoooo
“But I kept it player, I ain't say nothing ’bout it”
well now you didn’t , now he’s just a chatty party about it
It’s insane how I’m too tall for Meg.
this a humblebrag but we'll allow it
“But I kept it player, I ain't say nothing ’bout it”
well now you didn’t , now he’s just a chatty party about it
lmfao exactly
what a maroon (bugs bunny definition) this guy is
these bars really got no substance to them it’s crazy he’s just saying names for the sake of naming them
you f***ed megan thee stallion, okay?
I mean he smart because it gets clicks and she will inevitably respond in some way but if none of you guessed he slept with her than
"pretty boy"
dababy in his feels abt how he doesn't have pardi's physiognomy and height, crine
this like when kanye was talking about wiz being skinny and tall during his KK rant
was megan with pardi when she (allegedly) f***ed dababy? damn. hillary clinton was right she is a Gutsy Woman