da baby >> little uzi
i meannnnn i can’t agree with that one chief. i dislike some Uzi s***, but i’ve heard like 3 Baby songs i like lol
da baby >> little uzi
i meannnnn i can’t agree with that one chief. i dislike some Uzi s***, but i’ve heard like 3 Baby songs i like lol
idk every uzi song since 2017 has sounded the same, which is ironic me being a dababy fan, but i just feel his personality, flows, and general aggressiveness keep me engaged more than a jaded uzi rapping ab chanel
Better than some generic jetson beat in any case
Prob my least fav producer rn smh
Prob my least fav producer rn smh
that dude made the same fire ass beat so many times that it wasn’t good anymore lmao what a tragedy he is
He really made the most out of this beat lol cause it ain’t much
But man I hate the new rap-sing s*** he’s doing now and I’m not talking about this snippet
He lowkey used to do those type of songs way better on Baby Talk 5 (ie: Usher is 🔥🔥)
this arrangnent sounds like a 2013 pixel chief keef beat if you just swapped some of the sohnds
that dude made the same fire ass beat so many times that it wasn’t good anymore lmao what a tragedy he is
Nah he gave some good beats to Jack Harlow too
imagine being so insecure of your masculinity that you think this beat is trash
This beat is trash
Why yall had to call the genre ‘Hyperpop’ it’s just Carti type beats
this isn't hyperpop that's why
the irony of an Uzi avy Twitter saying this beat is trash when Eternal Atake has multiple songs that are diet versions of this
how can the originators be the diet version
bad take
That Wait a Minute Who are You guy is legit horrible
worst producer I’ve heard in a minute
This sounds like the first interesting thing DaBaby has done in forever. Twitter’s opinions are so garbage
"forever" mans literally blew last year
Niggas saying this the worst beat of the year?!?!?
Niggas are DEAF