it was all downhill after this
I know you're sad, but they had one of the best careers of all time before and especially after this
It would be amazing if they did boxsets for each album with a bunch of extras would love to see the making of Interstella as well as a blu ray of it
damn being a kid, listening to discovery and watching interstella 5555 really changed everything for me.
damn being a kid, listening to discovery and watching interstella 5555 really changed everything for me.
Same friend
I am glad to have witnessed such an iconic group. Their music will forever be timeless.
Yeppp. There was most definitely Daft Punk influence on The Slow Rush. Hope he keeps making electronic inspired music tbh
Kevin’s always been inspired by daft punk. Even elephant from Lonerism sounds like it could be on human after all
I will never get to watch them live
Damn that sucks so much
I still had hope for another Alive 20X7
damn being a kid, listening to discovery and watching interstella 5555 really changed everything for me.
Same man
Crazy they made an anime film for us children to appreciate, what a smart move to keep kids hooked
F*** you zane your interviews suck ass. Reading YouTube comments to Cudi “HoW dOeS ThAt MaKe U FeEl” headass
Bro theyve been working since before i was alive id say they earned a retirement b
Bro theyve been working since before i was alive id say they earned a retirement b
Oh for sure they earned it! One of the best and most fruitful careers in music
damn being a kid, listening to discovery and watching interstella 5555 really changed everything for me.
Do any of y’all remember that wave of techno electronic music I believe some where around 98-99 with around the word Kylie minogue song and Cher do you believe in love I was a kid but hearing that stuff on the radio made me feel like we were going to the future in 2000
Nothing but pain