we gonna cancel mark twain too? he used the hard r in huckleberry finn?
never seen so many black snowflakes
different setting, plus my boy Tarantino uses it in almost all his movies. he gets a pass
Same niggas agreeing with that post I quoted prolly b on some “eat the rich” s*** but never held a gun in their hand or been punched in the face before.
If this was real life and you saw someone getting destroyed the way doja is because they said some f*** s*** to impress their friends due to their own self hatred and lack of self esteem you would be bothered too. But since this is the internet and it’s not happening in front of you, it’s “shit on her until she kills herself, she’s too far gone” time
If you black and disrespecting your own culture you don’t deserve a platform representing us.
Just like they sucked off Lizzo's weird ass antics last year the industry don't want to see the star they've spent millions promoting fail
different setting, plus my boy Tarantino uses it in almost all his movies. he gets a pass
lmao yall gave tarantino a pass?
a true racist
Black people have every right to be angry at her because they should
but fellow white people some of yall need to really simmer down. Instead of rushing so quick to demonize a black woman for signs of self hate, I think you should at least try to make an attempt to empathize with her struggles.
it’s the same logic as going in on black people that’s anti-vax. Yeah they are wrong,
but they had to deal with decade after decade of demonic white pharma neglecting them and statistically not giving a s*** about black people leading to trust issues
Just a thought
Lmaooooo dude definitely browses out here talking about wesley
yall cacs acting like we wanna lock her up, we just dont want her in hip hop no more.
She can go 100% pop no hard feelings
iill trade u ariana grande for doja
Same niggas agreeing with that post I quoted prolly b on some “eat the rich” s*** but never held a gun in their hand or been punched in the face before.
If this was real life and you saw someone getting destroyed the way doja is because they said some f*** s*** to impress their friends due to their own self hatred and lack of self esteem you would be bothered too. But since this is the internet and it’s not happening in front of you, it’s “shit on her until she kills herself, she’s too far gone” time
Bro you're rambling at this point.
I'd legit cut off my mom if she did this s*** and that says a lot.
Black people have every right to be angry at her because they should
but fellow white people some of yall need to really simmer down. Instead of rushing so quick to demonize a black woman for signs of self hate, I think you should at least try to make an attempt to empathize with her struggles.
it’s the same logic as going in on black people that’s anti-vax. Yeah they are wrong,
but they had to deal with decade after decade of demonic white pharma neglecting them and statistically not giving a s*** about black people leading to trust issues
Just a thought
its still f*** doja of course
Aint doja cat more of a Latina than black tho?
she's not latina at all. white mom black dad
Bro you're rambling at this point.
I'd legit cut off my mom if she did this s*** and that says a lot.
Lmaoo bro if you would cut off your mom because she got drunk on tinychat and said some wild s*** to impress her lame ass friends then you’re just.. i don’t know.. a weak willed person I guess?
lmao yall gave tarantino a pass?
a true racist
Why do cacs play dumb by default.
Just say you agree with what she does and move on.
You know damn well context matters
Why do cacs play dumb by default.
Just say you agree with what she does and move on.
You know damn well context matters
u know how many black ppl get called the n word on a daily basis?
and yall mad cuz someone called herself one
gotdamn special snowflakes
hey its for Cinema
He knows the context, he's just using the playing dumb card once again
Lmaoo bro if you would cut off your mom because she got drunk on tinychat and said some wild s*** to impress her lame ass friends then you’re just.. i don’t know.. a weak willed person I guess?
If a drunk person was racist that just means they're good at hiding it when sober
Lmaoo bro if you would cut off your mom because she got drunk on tinychat and said some wild s*** to impress her lame ass friends then you’re just.. i don’t know.. a weak willed person I guess?
You're white so you wouldn't understand, I'd cut off any family member calling themselves the hard R to please white supremacists.
I don't care who it is