she's this 17 year old artist from Australia and only has like 5 songs out so far
Bloody Knees is too good
heard it last morning and was like
played it exactly 76 times yesterday
Ascension is addicting, think this might b her best song (though bloody knees is so good, hope she does more bright pop like that)
she is really cool, I'm a good friend of someone who mixes/producers for her circlepitt and have met her a few times, she is a super nice person. She is getting a lot of industry love and a reallllly big push out here in australia - she is about to be huge for sure.
heard it last morning and was like
played it exactly 76 times yesterday
so so good, why isnt it on spotify
so so good, why isnt it on spotify
probably b/c she sampled 100 gecs, they have to clear it first