not enough for a magnum duh, no s*** bro, thats why I said what I said. but i aint go no shame bout it anymore. sick and tired of ppl, especially women, clownin on d*** size like it aint the peak of body shaming since theres literally nothin that can be done about it. drives me and my needler up the mf wall
maybe you should care less what other people think
maybe you should care less what other people think
no. and I think it's pretty sad that this is what you have to say on the matter.
no. and I think it's pretty sad that this is what you have to say on the matter.
good for you
good for you
and shame on you
stop with the small meat pity party, male
thanks for taking the mask all the way off. ciao bella!
they suck
So what is hazardous about magnums?
the idea is that they slip off if youre not packing much pole, therefore increasing the chance of pregnancy. I'm skeptical because theyre not really that much bigger than a normal rubber, if you put that s*** on right it shouldnt be slippin off.
its good ice cream
thought the thread was about this
i need a double caramel tho on god