do manga readers know what volume to pick up at? cuz i'm ordering as we speak soon as i find out
do manga readers know what volume to pick up at? cuz i'm ordering as we speak soon as i find out
Volume 5
tough spot to end on there. would've liked to see a few more chapters adapted, the cliffhanger felt pretty abrupt. s2 isn't that far away so it's not too bad but could've been better
season 2 trailer
big spoiler warning for the end of the trailer. wouldn't recommend watching if you plan to stay anime only but if you pick up the manga come back and watch the trailer after you finish the arc the anime just ended on
season 2 trailer
big spoiler warning for the end of the trailer. wouldn't recommend watching if you plan to stay anime only but if you pick up the manga come back and watch the trailer after you finish the arc the anime just ended on
!, that's an insane spoiler
I just got done reading the Space Globalists arc
tough spot to end on there. would've liked to see a few more chapters adapted, the cliffhanger felt pretty abrupt. s2 isn't that far away so it's not too bad but could've been better
Same i like it when the season ending feels more proper
Okarun first half of this
It's really Dandandover until next year Overall great season! That ep 7 is one of my fav anime ep of the year
reading this s*** 2 years in advance and knowing everything
I’m telling yall this will go down as one of the best animes of all time
and honestly the anime better than the manga which is kinda impossible cause the manga already a 10/10
season 2 confirmed for july. the announcement trailer was uploaded and privated but people were able to catch it before it went away. announcement will probably be made at jump festa this weekend
privated video
screenshot of announcement
Instant classic