An Unforgiving Hardcore First-Person Fantasy Dungeon Adventure.
Unfathomable fortunes await the brave and the foolish willing to delve into the devastated depths of an ancient citadel. Band together with your friends and use your courage, wits, and cunning to uncover mythical treasures, defeat gruesome monsters, while staying one step ahead of the other devious treasure-hunters. Once you’ve plundered your riches, now comes the hard part, getting out alive. Find the hidden escape routes before the ever-expanding darkness reclaims your riches and your corpse to her irresistible hoard.
Irresistibly Classic
Dark and Darker aims to capture the wonder and awe of classic fantasy adventure games. We stand on the shoulders of giants and strive to pay respects to the traditions of the genre. We hearken back to the old worlds where danger lurks around each corner, but where courage and adventure are rewarded with untold riches.
Choose a role, party up!
Team up with friends and assemble a party to increase your chances of survival. Choose from a wide array of timeless fantasy roles and build the perfect three-person squad. Play as a brawny barbarian holding the frontlines while your sharp-eyed ranger friend fires arrows from afar and your merry bard sustains morale with a lively tune.
Unforgivingly Hardcore
Dark and Darker is a world of high risks and high returns. Explore a mystical underground fortress where the dangers are unrelenting and even the smallest misstep can result in death. Sound judgement reaps huge rewards, but death carries a heavy penalty with the loss of all your loot.
A focus on First-Person Combat
Dark and Darker strives for high immersion. Adventurers must use their eyes and ears like you would in the real world. Players must target, track, and aim against the countless challenges they encounter. We supply a wide array of close combat weapons that each have unique patterns to learn and master. Strikes to the head and back do critical damage. Knowing how to properly wield each weapon gives the player an edge to survive in this harsh world.
Old Magic
Magic is a powerful but unwieldy force in the world of Dark and Darker. Mastery requires long incantations, special skills, the right channeling equipment, and a tactical eye. Spells must be timed and aimed for maximum effect. For the magically uninclined, tinkering, knowledge of special equipment, and a little foresight can help level the field.
Comfort in the Shadows
The darkness is your friend in this unrelenting setting. Turn off lights and use the darkness to hide from foes or set up ambushes. If the tides of battles take a turn for the worse, blending into the darkness can lead to a stealthy retreat.
Discover hidden portals to delve deeper and deeper underground and uncover the most hideous monsters and invaluable artifacts. All the riches you collect are for naught if you can’t make it out alive. Find a rare exit before the dark swarm comes to collect your soul.
Really interesting upcoming PC game that has a similar flavor/mindset to a game like Escape from Tarkov, except with the twist being set in a traditional fantasy setting (think D&D). Alpha playtests are currently on a rolling basis, full release date slated for Q4 2023. Game is currently out now on early access. No longer on Steam (for the time being).
you play it yet ?
I played a little bit solo but I'm expecting to actually play it tonight or tomorrow with a group of friends.
Really fun, I already know it's a game I'm gonna spend a s***ton of time on lol
I played a little bit solo but I'm expecting to actually play it tonight or tomorrow with a group of friends.
Really fun, I already know it's a game I'm gonna spend a s***ton of time on lol
me and my friends were talking about getting it
i watched some gameplay of this last night and man does it look terrible. i gotta imagine the only reason this game is getting any attention rn is cause multiplayer is kinda dead outside of a few big games. the devs are obviously souls fans considering there's a mimic chest in the game and it looks like another case of devs not understanding why souls combat is fun, they just think slow and heavy = dark souls. magic did look cool though so i'll give them that. i fully expect streamers to hype it up and act like its the next big game only to abandon it for another gta rp phase that lasts like 3 months
yes im a hater
i watched some gameplay of this last night and man does it look terrible. i gotta imagine the only reason this game is getting any attention rn is cause multiplayer is kinda dead outside of a few big games. the devs are obviously souls fans considering there's a mimic chest in the game and it looks like another case of devs not understanding why souls combat is fun, they just think slow and heavy = dark souls. magic did look cool though so i'll give them that. i fully expect streamers to hype it up and act like its the next big game only to abandon it for another gta rp phase that lasts like 3 months
yes im a hater
1. I have no idea where you're getting Dark Souls from. This game's mechanics are much more based off hardcore games like Escape from Tarkov, combat being similar to realistic medieval melee games like Mordhau or Chivalry, and its thematic being close to DnD. Mimics existed way, way before Dark Souls too lol.
2. The game is only in alpha and has a long way to go. These playtests are only to see how stable the game is at its current iteration. Honing of mechanics and animations and all that aren't even in the scope yet for this phase.
1. I have no idea where you're getting Dark Souls from. This game's mechanics are much more based off hardcore games like Escape from Tarkov, combat being similar to realistic medieval melee games like Mordhau or Chivalry, and its thematic being close to DnD. Mimics existed way, way before Dark Souls too lol.
2. The game is only in alpha and has a long way to go. These playtests are only to see how stable the game is at its current iteration. Honing of mechanics and animations and all that aren't even in the scope yet for this phase.
you raise some good points but im gonna ignore those and keep on hating but i wont derail the thread for those who enjoy it
you raise some good points but im gonna ignore those and keep on hating but i wont derail the thread for those who enjoy it
1. I have no idea where you're getting Dark Souls from. This game's mechanics are much more based off hardcore games like Escape from Tarkov, combat being similar to realistic medieval melee games like Mordhau or Chivalry, and its thematic being close to DnD. Mimics existed way, way before Dark Souls too lol.
2. The game is only in alpha and has a long way to go. These playtests are only to see how stable the game is at its current iteration. Honing of mechanics and animations and all that aren't even in the scope yet for this phase.
Didn’t they just add two hit animations for the new playtest
Didn’t they just add two hit animations for the new playtest
The point of a playtest is to check sweeping parts of the game. Design, server stability, "feel", etc.
It's not like they stop working on the game when they're going on lol, but stuff like that is not their focus. They'll add animations and introduce new stuff as it's being worked on but they want to make sure the game actually flows and is not completely busted
The point of a playtest is to check sweeping parts of the game. Design, server stability, "feel", etc.
It's not like they stop working on the game when they're going on lol, but stuff like that is not their focus. They'll add animations and introduce new stuff as it's being worked on but they want to make sure the game actually flows and is not completely busted
And here I am still not knowing if two animations were actually added or not cause you said all this s*** about sumn I didn’t ask about 😭
And here I am still not knowing if two animations were actually added or not cause you said all this s*** about sumn I didn’t ask about 😭
Oh I thought you were agreeing with that other dude lol
Yeah they added new animations for the Rogue's daggers
Oh I thought you were agreeing with that other dude lol
Yeah they added new animations for the Rogue's daggers
Nah mainly asking cause my friends keep tryna get me to play and I legit thought them saying they added animations was them trying to con me into downloading it been waiting for the game to not look so damn bland before I jump in
Nah mainly asking cause my friends keep tryna get me to play and I legit thought them saying they added animations was them trying to con me into downloading it been waiting for the game to not look so damn bland before I jump in
Idk what they changed but its been blowing up the last 2 days n n just now making the yt rounds so i assume its at least decent rn
Graphically o dont think its gonna get much better tho, its going for that late 90s esrly 2000s dungeon crawler look
"Boomer" RPGs like Boomer-Shooters are starting to becpme popular now
Idk what they changed but its been blowing up the last 2 days n n just now making the yt rounds so i assume its at least decent rn
Graphically o dont think its gonna get much better tho, its going for that late 90s esrly 2000s dungeon crawler look
"Boomer" RPGs like Boomer-Shooters are starting to becpme popular now
Just look at the fighting for any melee weapon and you’ll see that me asking for more than 1 type of stab/swing animation per weapon is not asking much at all and def isn’t breaking their theme/aesthetic lol
Just look at the fighting for any melee weapon and you’ll see that me asking for more than 1 type of stab/swing animation per weapon is not asking much at all and def isn’t breaking their theme/aesthetic lol
Nah i get that & understand that hangup
Was just giving an explanation on why n preventing a possible "too much hope" type thing
But yeah its Alpha so super early, i just personally dont expect anything radically different in that department since it is part of that crowd. Think its more about enemy variety & level fleshed out.
Old school dungeon crawler animations are really simple too, basically 2 to 3 different one for everything. Sword, shield n, bow & magic. We'll see tho. Hoping it comes out good in the end.
Holding myself off personally too until its later developed.
Nah mainly asking cause my friends keep tryna get me to play and I legit thought them saying they added animations was them trying to con me into downloading it been waiting for the game to not look so damn bland before I jump in
Ah I gotcha
Yeah at this point in time, probably not. It's gonna be clunky for awhile and they're probably intentionally going for a clunkier feel. Like Escape from Tarkov making shooting your gun feel like a f***ing journey
But I would love if they decided to go the Mordhau route and really hone in on the combat system to make it super flow-y with chambers and parries and morphing attacks and s***