Not sure however you’d like to classify it (dark sounds corny af), but from 2011-2016 the R&B landscape was getting blurred by the melodic sounds which were new and refreshing at the time. It’s been ran into the ground now and a lot of the pioneers have gone in different directions, but this music will always have a special place in my heart. Come post your favorites ITT. As usual I’ll probably throw a AM playlist together based off the reception
Teenage Fever
REAL af for Monday to Monday
Toronto invented
!!!!!!!!!! you just blessed the thread
Lowkey one of my favorite songs of all time
you just blessed the thread
I woulda posted more but could do only 10 imbeds per post, ill post some later
Inventor of Dark R&B Spaceghostpurrp has a lot on this classic album
! you
Can’t wait til we pioneer time travel so I can go back man
Miss those days. Was in my late teens/early 20s and the music was really soundtracking my life man. It’ll always have a special place to me even if it’s gotten a little stale
Aka the genre Drake invented
Toronto’s contribution as a whole to shaping this sound is unreal. I’d love to go one day just to appreciate the inspiration for the music