  • Updated Aug 17, 2024

    I just don't agree with the critics' assessment of the show. They took everything very seriously. "Emily and the chef have no chemistry aside from Emily using him four times for practical purposes and then kissing." People in this show persist in long-term relationships, and they connect in ways other than chemistry by displaying whether the dumb mellenial is in Reddit or 9Gag comedy mode to distinguish between the dozen of them. I believe it is completely deserving of the Golden Globe. Instead of the HIMYM bar, it gives us the best architecture every week. In this show, alliances and adversaries have a reason to cross paths and engage. They don't do so by chance since everyone made every single masturbatory synchronicity meaningful enough to be addressed in a joke, as in HIMYM. If one of them becomes sick in HIMYM, Friends, or Big Bang Theory, all of the possible gags are over. When one of them moves, all possible jokes are gone. When one of them switches jobs, all possible jobs are gone. All of their jokes will be ended if one of them does not continue to spend money with the others indefinitely. All of their jokes come to an end when one of them stops being smug. That is not the case in real life. This show is based on real life.

  • Best show of the 2020s by a landslide