  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    So a bunch of 20 and 30 somethings inaccurately judged Chappelle's morals based on parcels of information that did not give the full picture?

    So did the building company push the flack onto chappelle not realizing it might make national headlines lol?

  • Feb 10, 2022

    I mean, you can fail a credit check to rent a place lol

    And someone with less money is more likely to have a bad credit score.

  • Feb 10, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

    It's not about poor people it's just that he doesn't like that his celebrity is being used to sell those houses lol also obviously you wouldnt want the poors to live right next to you they come with a risk oh no i dont mean poor black people scary i mean they drive the property value down oh and yes it's undemocratic that he has this power but that is actually good because this is not a democracy it's a REPUBLIC

  • Feb 10, 2022

    So if these houses really are going for 300k in the affordable homing zone, that would mean you need at least a 5% deposit typically (15k) and your monthly mortgage (30-year) would be between 1500 - 2000 depending on interest. And there might be PMIs and of course property tax to add to that. Apartment Rent in that area from what I’ve seen online is between 700 - 1400 dollars. So, idk if it’s that affordable in OH for anyone who’s not middle class or higher.

    Also middle class in OH statistically is roughly ~50k annually so these are pretty f***ing expensive homes in OH given all the context.

  • Feb 10, 2022

    i spent too much time trying to understand all this

  • Feb 10, 2022

    Dave fell off. Old man yells at cloud.

    What was the point of moving to SA all honourably..... to just become what he loathes with a Netflix deal??

  • Feb 10, 2022

    I haven’t read much about this, what was the full picture? How come he didn’t want the houses built?

    Still don't know the complete story because I'm not apart of that community or seen reports on the previous meetings.

    What i do know is folks thought Dave Chappelle opposed nearby affordable housing because well family homes suited his speed more. Now as more comes out, some of which was obvious to people who read the article, such as the location of the new development, unwanted marketing usage of Dave's own home in the development process, community resistance to any large scale development at all, questionable municipal leadership, etc it shows Chappelle didn't just go up there to say

    "I don't want to live near poor people and will pull my businesses if they come."

  • Feb 10, 2022
    u ok jay

    they're building "affordable housing" in my city rn. i guarantee that only upper middle class people will be able to afford it

    You can still use housing choice vouchers for those homes, right? I've seen nice ass homes where vouchers were used as long as the landlord wanted to accept them.

  • Feb 10, 2022

    So did the building company push the flack onto chappelle not realizing it might make national headlines lol?

    not sure

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    After reading, the developer is an a****** and don’t care about no affordable housing
    He just tryna get rich too lmao

    Its beyond just "capitalist" it is scammer. lol Again if you word something right it can sound like a benevolent non profit but behind most of those is people trying to sell people into neighborhoods they cant afford long term where they will raise various cost and entrap them into a house or "affordable" housing situation too good to pass up but the reality is it isn't "good" at all. Its to make them look good and make people feel like they helped poor people or marginalized in a substantive way. I get what people are saying "its going to be cheaper than 300,000 how can you be mad at that it helps house lower income workers in the area to fit the low income jobs and less commute time"

  • Feb 10, 2022

    Niggas are saying this and I know it’s not the thing rn to empathize with the rich nigga lol

    But is he that wrong for not wanting Niggas to build section 8 esque housing near his…home after he put up $65 million of his own money to keep a certain standard? And then there’s the the article paragraph and local resident reply under the tweet that says the houses started at $250k-300k and they used pictures of his home as a selling point lol

    The logic is gone here

  • Feb 10, 2022

    Its beyond just "capitalist" it is scammer. lol Again if you word something right it can sound like a benevolent non profit but behind most of those is people trying to sell people into neighborhoods they cant afford long term where they will raise various cost and entrap them into a house or "affordable" housing situation too good to pass up but the reality is it isn't "good" at all. Its to make them look good and make people feel like they helped poor people or marginalized in a substantive way. I get what people are saying "its going to be cheaper than 300,000 how can you be mad at that it helps house lower income workers in the area to fit the low income jobs and less commute time"

    I concur vro

  • Feb 10, 2022
    2 replies

    Many can’t afford the upfront cost. And there’s credit.

    They think low income people have great credit to live in Dayton Ohio for 300k for checks notes

    A Navy Base

    people here aren't considering the lack of major work in Dayton Ohio in the first place

  • Feb 10, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    They think low income people have great credit to live in Dayton Ohio for 300k for checks notes

    A Navy Base

    people here aren't considering the lack of major work in Dayton Ohio in the first place

    This is why it should be 400k instead of 300k

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    This is why it should be 400k instead of 300k

    I am trying to see the bigger picture besides just "low price good". I am not denying low price is better

    As I have said multiple times I was just homeless I am the last nigga in this thread against affordable housing

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    I am trying to see the bigger picture besides just "low price good". I am not denying low price is better

    As I have said multiple times I was just homeless I am the last nigga in this thread against affordable housing

    Yes there are other factors, but again, the only thing that has now changed because of dave chappelle and the people who objected is that the prices are now higher lol

    You're acting like dave objected to this because he wanted better affordable housing nahh he just wants to make more money off his investments lmao

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    Not at all like bait.

    I’ve seen several of your posts “whats the context” or some s*** like that. I’ve mostly seen only white people say “hate to be the devils advocate” on twitter so often so I thought it was pretty funny

    almost like it’s better to try and get a full picture first

  • Feb 10, 2022
    2 replies

    They think low income people have great credit to live in Dayton Ohio for 300k for checks notes

    A Navy Base

    people here aren't considering the lack of major work in Dayton Ohio in the first place

    It’s also wild to me these same people will defend Kanye or travis at every chance they get lol

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply
  • Feb 10, 2022

    A decent sized portion of my childhood and teenage years were spent homeless (as well as some of my early 20s). Moving from town to town, shelter to shelter, living in random hotels for a week at a time. The s*** isn't fun and it f***s with you mentally, physically, and emotionally, especially as a child.

    Also, the longer you're homeless, the harder it is to get out of it. It affects every other aspect of your life, from employment to dietary health. It's hard to maintain a job when you don't have a secure and safe place to sleep at night. It's hard to eat healthy meals when you don't have a place to cook them.

    These are only some of the reasons as to why affordable housing is so important.

    Agreed. I also spent part of my childhood moving from shelter to shelter. Fortunately my mom worked hard to get us out of that cycle. Affordable housing was a huge stepping stone to freeing us from poverty. It wasn't always pretty or a nice place to live, but I wouldn't be here today without affordable housing.

  • Feb 10, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

    Yes there are other factors, but again, the only thing that has now changed because of dave chappelle and the people who objected is that the prices are now higher lol

    You're acting like dave objected to this because he wanted better affordable housing nahh he just wants to make more money off his investments lmao

    People talk to me like I am just a fanboy. I said the trans comments were edgy. I have said the rape jokes were edgy. Even if edgy with a purpose it as he put it himself doesnt seem to be connecting to the point he had hoped. Similiar to Ye idea of Love Everybody I get what they are going for

    Affordable housing in Dayton Ohio for what nearby jobs? I am serious not joking. The area isn't exactly jobs that can afford it whether its 400k or 300k it doesn't really help the situation

  • Feb 10, 2022

  • Feb 10, 2022

    It’s also wild to me these same people will defend Kanye or travis at every chance they get lol

    I just try to help people see the full picture if at the end they view Dave as a piece of s*** cool thats their view and I respect it. I just try to present more information in a limited limited article that lacks so many substantial details.

  • Feb 11, 2022
    hot pancakes

    almost like it’s better to try and get a full picture first

    Again all I saw you reminded me of those people, not that those people are bad or some s*** (twitter ones usually are though)