  • Mulder

    The worst part is that we never see Creeper turn up. Movie calls him the devil yet we never see him do some s***.

    The first 20 minutes or so was fine, but then they just dropped the ball. Got boring and the ending is s***.

    Dying via face stomp too. We never see him turn up, he gets beat up and captured then stomped to death. He don't even get a bad ass death.

    Yeah they did my boy dirty smh

  • JaeRell

    Was he ever any good?

    He also wrote this movie called Dark Blue which I saw just recently, s***'s actually really good

    based on a story by James Ellroy (LA Confidential) and starring Kurt Russell and Ving Rhames

  • Aug 10, 2020

    at least the mexicans arent orcs now

  • Aug 10, 2020


  • Aug 11, 2020

    What was the point of even having Shia as this supposed badass?

    The editing in this movie is absolutely atrocious. Like the transitions, one minute the guy is shooting a man in the head, then within 1 second he's sitting on the opposite side of the van chillin'.

    Like how in the f*** is this the same guy who made Fury and End of Watch?

  • Aug 11, 2020
    2 replies

    Also, why the f*** did Shia get all those tattoos? You don't even see them

    I'm convinced a s*** load of this was cut/re-edited afterwards.

  • Aug 11, 2020

    Is this out on streaming?

  • Aug 11, 2020

    Also, why the f*** did Shia get all those tattoos? You don't even see them

    I'm convinced a s*** load of this was cut/re-edited afterwards.

    I think tat was of his parents

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Movie was Hard AF thought this s*** was boring at first but when you actually start watching it gets better

  • Aug 12, 2020

    Truly one of the worst movies ive ever seen

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Movie was Hard AF thought this s*** was boring at first but when you actually start watching it gets better

    Said no one ever

  • Aug 13, 2020
    2 replies

    Said no one ever

    You just have s*** taste bruh its actually good since I stay around were they shot the movie it makes it better for me

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    You just have s*** taste bruh its actually good since I stay around were they shot the movie it makes it better for me

    lol nah, u the one with bad taste, it’s literally ass

  • Aug 13, 2020

    You just have s*** taste bruh its actually good since I stay around were they shot the movie it makes it better for me

    THAT S*** TRASH.

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all got s*** taste Foreal

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all got s*** taste Foreal

    The irony

  • Aug 13, 2020

    This was some mid tbh there were some cool things and bad things that it balanced out and that's what it made it mid for me imo

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    The irony

    Bruh y’all corny anyways lmao could care less about what you guys think

  • Aug 18, 2020

    lmao this is so bad

  • Aug 28, 2020

    did this mf shia get tatted for this movie and then not show the tatt the entire movie

    shia fr is cap

  • Sep 1, 2020

    for like half the movie I didn't understand the hate. by the end.. yeah, I get it. this sucked. who the f*** chose this editing style

  • Dec 28, 2020

    Nah this movie ain't real bruh, no way Ive never seen so many plot holes in a movie like the tax collector they did my boy Shia dirty

    We're going to get his kids, homey Also George Lopez is a terrible actor lmao! Shia deserved better smh The acting was terrible. Was waiting for Steven Seagal to make an appearance, I mean why not

  • Dec 28, 2020

    let’s go get yo kids

    S*** got me on my neck fam