  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply
    RIP Bruises

    5 Stars:
    Fight Club

    4 Stars:
    Gone Girl
    The Game
    Girl With a Dragon Tattoo

    3 Stars:
    Alien 3
    Panic Room

    2 Stars:
    The Social Network
    Benjamin Button

    Excited for the killer but not expecting a 5. I just think he’s neat

    Social Network at 2 stars

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Social Network at 2 stars

    Tbf I was 13 when it came out, it probably went over my head and I didn’t ever feel like rewatching. It might be great and I just don’t know

    (I do know Benjamin button deserves that two tho)

  • Nov 12, 2023

    Remember feeling like TSN was incredibly premature at the time but what do I know obviously not

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply
    RIP Bruises

    Tbf I was 13 when it came out, it probably went over my head and I didn’t ever feel like rewatching. It might be great and I just don’t know

    (I do know Benjamin button deserves that two tho)

    Absolutely need to rewatch.

  • Nov 12, 2023

    Of the ones I’ve seen:

    Social Network (absolutely flawless, in my top 5 movies ever)
    Fight Club
    Gone Girl
    Se7en (would be top 2-3 if the ending wasn’t so terrible)
    The Killer
    The Game (gives me a stress headache from being gaslit for 2 hours)
    Benjamin Button
    Panic Room

    Just updated w/ The Killer*

  • Nov 12, 2023
    2 replies

    Still never seen fincher’s girl with the dragon tattoo cause I remember seeing the 09 original and f***ing hating it… is Fincher’s different / much better??

  • Nov 12, 2023
    doggy springsteen

    Still never seen fincher’s girl with the dragon tattoo cause I remember seeing the 09 original and f***ing hating it… is Fincher’s different / much better??

    much better

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Absolutely need to rewatch.

    I should as well but I don't see an "I'm in the mood for some Benjamin Button" mood on the horizon

  • Nov 12, 2023
    Block Muteson

    I should as well but I don't see an "I'm in the mood for some Benjamin Button" mood on the horizon

    you and me both. One day will sit through it again. One day.

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    1. Se7en
    2. Zodiac
    3. Fight Club

    4. The Social Network
    5. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

    6. The Game
    7. Gone Girl
    8. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
    9. Panic Room
    10. Mank

    Not for Me
    11. The Killer

    Haven’t seen Alien 3 and don’t really have a desire to.

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    1. Se7en
    2. Zodiac
    3. Fight Club

    4. The Social Network
    5. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

    6. The Game
    7. Gone Girl
    8. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
    9. Panic Room
    10. Mank

    Not for Me
    11. The Killer

    Haven’t seen Alien 3 and don’t really have a desire to.

    lol Gone Girl is perfect

  • Nov 12, 2023

    lol Gone Girl is perfect

    You know I liked it more as it went along. I really hated the VO until the reveal kind of explains the stilted and contrived dialogue. It was good but I don’t think I can say it is a movie I think about too much.

  • Nov 12, 2023

    girl with dragon tattoo
    social network
    panic room
    the game
    gone girl
    fight club
    curious case

  • Nov 12, 2023

    can y’all explain what’s so great about zodiac? I thought it was alright at best

  • Dec 4, 2023
    1 reply

    I rewatched Se7en again last night and man

    That film is like a classic hiding in plain sight

    John Doe is a fascinating villain. I was only 13 when I first watched it so really only the ending stuck out to me on first watch but revisiting it I was blown away by how meticulous and thought out everything was and how he was lowkey way smarter than Mills/Somerset

  • doggy springsteen

    Still never seen fincher’s girl with the dragon tattoo cause I remember seeing the 09 original and f***ing hating it… is Fincher’s different / much better??

    Fincher version is clinical

  • Dec 4, 2023
    1 reply

    I rewatched Se7en again last night and man

    That film is like a classic hiding in plain sight

    John Doe is a fascinating villain. I was only 13 when I first watched it so really only the ending stuck out to me on first watch but revisiting it I was blown away by how meticulous and thought out everything was and how he was lowkey way smarter than Mills/Somerset

    What's in the booox?

  • Dec 4, 2023
    1 reply

    What's in the booox?

    I will say lowkey Pitt’s acting was not doing it in this scene especially when he’s like “OH GOD” but it’s forgivable because otherwise he fit the role of Mills like a glove

  • Dec 4, 2023

    Only girl w dragon tattoo
    Gone girl
    And Zodiac (and maybe fight club)
    Are above The Killer for me

  • bread

    I will say lowkey Pitt’s acting was not doing it in this scene especially when he’s like “OH GOD” but it’s forgivable because otherwise he fit the role of Mills like a glove

    I always liked his acting there. It's confusion, sadness, anger and nausea all at once.

  • Dec 4, 2023

    I must need to rewatch gone girl

  • Dec 4, 2023

    1. Se7en
    2. The Social Network
    3. Zodiac
    4. Gone Girl
    5. Fight Club
    6. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
    7. The Killer
    8. The Game
    9. Panic Room
    10. Mank
    11. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
    12. Alien 3

  • Dec 4, 2023

    I think about The Killer all the time

  • Dec 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Even as a 12 year old I remember thinking “so you just shoot John Doe in the head so he instantly dies just like he wanted? No taste of pain or suffering? Why not shoot him in the balls and wait for help?”

  • Dec 4, 2023

    Rewatched zodiac yesterday, forgot how fantastic the acting in that movie is. 2.5 hours with barely any action and it’s still so gripping