What would you change about it? Besides saying "everything" as a troll post..
In just Bc it’s a DavidP thread
No Future, Lucki, Carti, Kodak, Nudy or 21?
Throw the list away, try again
Anyone you just listed besides Future
OP gotta be 30 years old
Or white lmfao. This is like the safest critic list you could make.
Or white lmfao. This is like the safest critic list you could make.
I am white and I'm 26. I've never said otherwise. Enough with the corny ass race bait s***
what a top 3 lol kdot currency and quan LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO most random thing i have ever seen
No Future, Lucki, Carti, Kodak, Nudy or 21?
Throw the list away, try again
Future would be top 11-20 (his personality makes me dislike him)
Lucki isn't even a contender imo (he's cool and I been hearing his music since 2014 but I'm not really into his new s***)
Carti would be 21-30 somewhere in there..
Kodak would be 11-20 too
Nudy? Never listened to him
And 21 Savage is trash imo
rich homie quan over thug
he's right if we don't account for the small fall off by quan
Future would be top 11-20 (his personality makes me dislike him)
Lucki isn't even a contender imo (he's cool and I been hearing his music since 2014 but I'm not really into his new s***)
Carti would be 21-30 somewhere in there..
Kodak would be 11-20 too
Nudy? Never listened to him
And 21 Savage is trash imo
"And 21 Savage is trash imo"
Crine at anyone who thinks Lucki should be anywhere near this list
what do you mean?? hes a great artist idk what u saying
"And 21 Savage is trash imo"
Once again you're butthurt over my opinion lol, if you don't like it leave the thread