Oh theyve been sitting down and thinking thinking right
Oh theyve been sitting down and thinking thinking right
Oh these boys have been deeply contemplating life alright
Daylyt puts out so many joke songs that I forget he is a top tier battle rapper.
Daylyt puts out so many joke songs that I forget he is a top tier battle rapper.
Need a live performance with Cole spitting his best human excretion bars and headless Daylyt taking a s*** on stage
Daylyt has a crazy social media following, some don't even know he can rap and just join for the livestreams
Daylyt has a crazy social media following, some don't even know he can rap and just join for the livestreams
Because he’s always talking those Reddit yt boy conspiracies on his lives
Daylyt has a crazy social media following, some don't even know he can rap and just join for the livestreams
He is still a troll
I will believe it when Cole talks about it.
For all I know he even photoshopped the photo
Because he’s always talking those Reddit yt boy conspiracies on his lives
I was addicted asf to those
He is still a troll
I will believe it when Cole talks about it.
For all I know he even photoshopped the photo
again you just ain't been following him lately, this ain't 2015 vlad TV
Because he’s always talking those Reddit yt boy conspiracies on his lives
them deepweb s***s were amazing