  • Jan 4, 2021
    3 replies

    Flashpoint hopefully is cool but I wonder if they’re banking on JJ Abrams superman rejuvenating all this

    Wonder Woman isn’t the sole cool thing anymore after WW84 being a dud

    Harley Quinn leading a movie didn’t work

    Shazam was dope but nothing insanely huge for DC

    Aquaman 2 is probably gonna do numbers though I guess

    need jj abrams to f*** all the way off

  • Jan 4, 2021
    Cole World

    need jj abrams to f*** all the way off

  • Jan 4, 2021
    2 replies


    you just get the opportunity to push yourself back into the mainstream consciousness in a big way post-Twilight in a way that can be massively popular and also show how good of an actor he actually is (a lot of people still blindly hate the guy for Twilight)

    and then DC comes in and totally undercuts your take on Batman and does this s***

  • Jan 4, 2021
    1 reply

    you just get the opportunity to push yourself back into the mainstream consciousness in a big way post-Twilight in a way that can be massively popular and also show how good of an actor he actually is (a lot of people still blindly hate the guy for Twilight)

    and then DC comes in and totally undercuts your take on Batman and does this s***

    Does what s***?

    How does this undermine Pattinson?

  • Jan 4, 2021
    1 reply

    People are going to not go watch Pattinson because Keaton is back?

  • Jan 4, 2021
    1 reply

    No one cares about there being two different batman universes other than the people who like to be outraged about everything.

  • Jan 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Does what s***?

    How does this undermine Pattinson?

    you seriously don't understand how having a competing batman franchise/actor happening simultaneously could be considered a bad look considering how many normies will be automatically skeptical of Pattinson's batman? consider as well that people are f***ing stupid and the dc president's statement about general audiences being smart enough to understand what they're doing is absurd

  • Jan 4, 2021
    1 reply

    People are going to not go watch Pattinson because Keaton is back?

    Batman Beyond

  • Jan 4, 2021

    No one cares about there being two different batman universes other than the people who like to be outraged about everything.

    lol I just think it's dumb I wouldn't call it outrage, but I mean if you want to characterize disagreeing with something as outrage then sure

  • Jan 4, 2021

    you seriously don't understand how having a competing batman franchise/actor happening simultaneously could be considered a bad look considering how many normies will be automatically skeptical of Pattinson's batman? consider as well that people are f***ing stupid and the dc president's statement about general audiences being smart enough to understand what they're doing is absurd

    Normies were able to put together Marvel cinematic universe fine I don't know what two batmans would be difficult.

    And casuals already are skeptical about Pattinson.

  • Jan 4, 2021

    Batman Beyond

    Two very separate batman timelines.

    One is Year one and one is Beyond.

  • Jan 4, 2021
    1 reply

    you just get the opportunity to push yourself back into the mainstream consciousness in a big way post-Twilight in a way that can be massively popular and also show how good of an actor he actually is (a lot of people still blindly hate the guy for Twilight)

    and then DC comes in and totally undercuts your take on Batman and does this s***

    if this ever does happen tho its not coming till 2024 tops tbh. And with the way DC films get stuck in development hell..likely much longer

    They'll have Batman 2022, the HBO Max Gotham show and potentially prepping the sequel by then. He's the main Batman and seems as if he'll have the masses easily with the way they've turned already since his original casting news

  • Jan 4, 2021

    if this ever does happen tho its not coming till 2024 tops tbh. And with the way DC films get stuck in development hell..likely much longer

    They'll have Batman 2022, the HBO Max Gotham show and potentially prepping the sequel by then. He's the main Batman and seems as if he'll have the masses easily with the way they've turned already since his original casting news

    I mean, I hope not. I don't hate the idea of having different universes and totally disconnected films but I just don't think they should do the same character simultaneously

  • Jan 4, 2021

    it's always one step forward two steps back lol

  • Jan 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Just throwing money prob. They never had the leadership for a long term plan. It’s gonna be at the point where the most successful DC films weren’t actually attached to the DCEU other than maybe Aquaman and the new SS lmao.

    They should just give us full on multiverse with whatever stories they can and have creatives truly run their own sagas like Batman. Doubt Gunn cares for anything outside of his SS story either

    Even if we get a random JL movie in the future just drop us into an already well established team and head from there.

  • Jan 4, 2021

    Hmmm so looks like things are pointing towards a Batman Beyond type film, either that or a Dark Knight Returns arc

    But I'm guessing it'll be Batman Beyond inspired

  • Jan 4, 2021

    they don't think like fans lol. Hamada still making big checks at the end of the day and they've somehow managed to have interesting levels of success in the past couple years from a couple of Oscar wins to billion dollar films. They won't stop until theres a reason to. Also, there's still a fanbase here for even the worser DC franchises.

    if the movies still make money they'll still make movies lol. Gunn will bring success, Reeves likely to, there's interest in Flash now, Aquaman one of the only solo CBM's to truly break into the China market, etc.... MCU is still the only big comic book franchise to think both in terms of successful business models and blatant fan service

  • Jan 5, 2021

    Okay, this sounds epic then. I'm still sort of confused on how three different Batman's exist in only two earths, but maybe Pattinson is not in either of those, and he's in his own (third?) continuity, maybe the same world that Joker takes place in?

    I do love the idea of the Flash existing in Affleck universe, and traveling to Keatons, and then Keaton playing an old wisened Batman coming out of retirement to be a Nick fury type of character. Maybe he's already been training a Nightwing/Robin/Batgril character who will be the younger "Bat Family" stand in.

    I wonder if in this possible scenario, they'll just start bringing in all new actors (aside from Ezra and Keaton) for Superman, WW, Aquaman, etc and slowly build up to a new Justice League. It would actually be really cool to see, for example, a new Superman (Michael B. Jordan???, wasn't it rumored for JJ to direct a Superman movie with him starring?) join this universe. Keaton Batman can operate in the periphery of these films.

    Don't see them rebooting WW and Aquaman, Gal and Jason are huge pieces for WB and DC. Really don't want Cavill to get shafted from Superman, he can offer alot still.

    Don't want J.J Abrams anywhere near a superman film after seeing Rise of Skywalker and Force Awakens

  • Jan 5, 2021

    I will say I probably won't see Pattinson Batman in theaters. But Beyond? I'm in that muthafucka

  • Jan 5, 2021
    Cole World

    need jj abrams to f*** all the way off

    Need no more corny JJ Abrams bullshit

  • Jan 5, 2021

    Snyder said the same s***

    Thank God. GTFO Snyder

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply

    They need to stop with the Batman/Spiderman movies. Do another movie based on another superhero. 🤦‍♀️ 🦸‍♀️

    Nightwing, Robin, Red Hood

  • AldErson

    Nightwing, Robin, Red Hood

    Facts Robinhood/Deathstroke/Static Shock