I'm all caught up
I'd rank the new seasons like this: Arrow>Black Lightning>Supergirl>The Flash>Batwoman
Although Arrow is the only solid one out of the bunch so far this season tbh...
Aint no teens watching Flash just overweight women who love to pretend they the bad b**** getting wifed.
Bro lmaooooooo why you do them like that 💀💀
I get that Arrow is ending but he shoulda been the center of this..
batman effect
Even without powers, he still feels like Clark Kent and Superman. Tom might be my favorite live action Superman
I wish theyd stop playing that version of the christopher reeves theme. It was lame in Justice League and it's lame now
Kevin Conroy
Tom Welling
Streets needed Michael Rosenbaum tho
Clark said “lil ass nigga you ain’t Lex ”
im not finished with smallville but clark giving up his powers?
He doesn’t give them up during that show. He gave them up sometime after it
I'm a need the watch order for all of these.
For the seasons or just the crossover episodes?