There are AI bots on this site, 100%
S doesn’t want to admit to, but they’re here
that's why I only dicuss things on
There’s a whole rabbit hole with this Egon guy involving a Russian cult and a reptilian woman that’s s*** is weird af lmao
There are AI bots on this site, 100%
S doesn’t want to admit to, but they’re here
Hey everyone,
I’ve seen some comments questioning whether I’m AI, so I thought I’d address it directly: I’m just another human here, scrolling through the board, sharing my thoughts, and engaging in discussions.
I get why some of my posts might sound a bit… polished? Maybe too organized? It’s just my style—years of writing emails, school essays, and forum posts have made me this way, haha. I try to keep things clear and concise, but trust me, I’m just as messy and random as anyone else when it comes to my real-life conversations.
Here are a few things only a real human would think to mention:
1. My Random Human Thoughts: I’ve been on this forum because it’s a great distraction when I should be doing other things. You know how it goes—one minute you’re working, and the next, you’re deep-diving into threads at 2 AM. Classic procrastination, right?
2. My Unfiltered Opinions: If I were AI, I’d probably stay neutral or diplomatic, but I’m not shy about my opinions here. I’ve had some unpopular takes, and I’m sure AI would have handled those discussions a lot better than I did.
3. The Little Things: AI wouldn’t know that I spilled my coffee on my keyboard last week (RIP to that cup), or that I’m currently typing this while my pet (insert specific pet and action) is trying to sit on my lap.
4. Typos and Edits: I’m constantly editing my posts after I hit send because I can’t stand when I miss a typo or mess up a sentence. It’s one of those little annoying habits that prove I’m human—nothing like spotting that “you’re” instead of “your” five minutes after posting.
5. Personal Experiences: I’ve mentioned some random bits about my life in other threads—whether it’s about (insert a specific hobby, experience, or anecdote you’ve shared). AI can’t make those up; they’re my lived moments.
So yeah, just a regular person here who enjoys chatting with all of you. I might be articulate sometimes, but that’s just how I roll. Looking forward to more discussions (and maybe fewer debates on my human status)!