Anyone play this game? It's honestly one of the weirdest games ever in history and has terrible gameplay and graphics for the most part... the shooting is a bad rip-off of Resident Evil 4, the driving is like the "driving on ice" in GTA4 except 10x worse, the car only goes 50mph, the map has to be THE WORST map in any game EVER, the f***ing menus rape your ears with high pitched sounds that are 10x louder than the in-game volume.
But idk I still kinda like it. Mainly for the characters and cutscenes because the plot is actually alright. And the shooting is just a s***ty version of RE4 like I said but it's serviceable, not so bad that it's unplayable. And like I said, it's weird as f***, for instance inappropriate, happy music will play while you're interrogating twin 6 year olds about a horribly mutilated body they came across. I don't recommend anyone buy this (it's $30 on switch and it came out in 2010 lol...) but it's worth watching a play through on youtube
the game was never meant to have combat. the publisher wanted them to have it in because they thought it would make it more attractive to younger crowds. this game rules, there's absolutely nothing like it.