Ali almost just as old or at least looks it wtf we even doing here anymore
Yall tried 4 times to make Blade again and in the meantime I've gotten the real one
Just let the man be Blade like Hugh is Wolverine. I really don't get it
Isn’t that basically what they were saying in the film ?
The Thor crying scene was great, was that younger footage of Chris or something ? Looks different
The gambit jokes had me crying , probably the funniest gag to me
I think they did the “I never got to play him” joke 4 times too many though, first time was fine
Bro why did they do this lol, allot of territory’s the film drops today
Matthew Macfadyen speaking with his normal accent will never not be weird to me
This lowkey the first time I watched a superhero movie at the cinema and I can say I hate it man these people are so loud and obnoxious in the audience.
I am not talking about people laughing btw but the constant noise of them talking wow what a painfully obnoxious experience
Matthew Macfadyen speaking with his normal accent will never not be weird to me
man he was hilarious i was laughing at moments when no one else was because i was just seeing tom wambsgans
i wanted some crazy post credits but i was satisfied with the one we got, it was really funny
funniest part of that post credit scene is u can see chris evans kinda breaking character while saying that s***
Don’t remember verbatim but Blade says something about not liking Deadpool and Deadpool replies with a quip about it
blade says like "i dont like you"
deadpool/ryan says "yeah u never did"
This lowkey the first time I watched a superhero movie at the cinema and I can say I hate it man these people are so loud and obnoxious in the audience.
I am not talking about people laughing btw but the constant noise of them talking wow what a painfully obnoxious experience
What in gods name has kept you from watching any super hero film from the ‘00s and ‘10s in theaters?
first marvel movie i went into without getting ANYTHING spoiled and it was phenomenal
That Batman joke was so outdated I can tell a lot of jokes will not age well but it’s Deadpool it be like that
first marvel movie i went into without getting ANYTHING spoiled and it was phenomenal
Same…I Had no idea Chris Evans was gonna be in it…I’m surprised that wasn’t everywhere
I was so shook
i genuinely don’t want anyone else ever playing wolverine
I agree although taron egerton would have me intrigued
Would you say the movie is gory and bloody? Gonna watch it with my wife but she don’t like the blood and gore s***
Yeah it's definitely the most gory mcu movie ever. Not quite horror movie level gore but definitely on the level
I thought that this was very good - 8.5/10 for me
The open NSYNC scene was amazing
The Happy Hogan scene was amazing; I'm guessing he went to the MCU while he was hopping around with Cable's time-travel device?
I wish Torch didn't die, at least so early; would have loved to see his powers more. I really like Chris Evans as the HT actually and wish we got to see his variant in Secret Wars. Prefer that over seeing Captain America again tbh
Gambit was so great - hate in these multiverse films when characters like Wolverine don't give any reaction to Gambit (bc he had one in his universe) and Tobey didn't give any reaction to Norman in NWH. That s*** pisses me off a little too much (more so in Tobey's case)
I wish we saw more of Nova's team like Deathstrike, Juggernaught, and even Pyro - he was in the movie A LOT less than I think anyone thought
It was mad fun to hear them talk about Magneto, Punisher, Daredevil, etc
Ending was kind of bad; plot also got a bit messy
How tf is Wolverine and X-23 allowed to stay in Deadpool's timeline, which is just the original FOX timeline? Doesn't that go against everything that we've learned so far about the timelines and the reason for the TVA itself?
I also wish we just said goodbye to Earth 1-0005 or whatever they're calling the FOX universe and left Deadpool and Wolverine in 616
Also to add to this: wouldn't Logan and X-23 glitch out like Loki did in Loki and Miles did in Spider-Verse because they aren't in their right timelines?
This lowkey the first time I watched a superhero movie at the cinema and I can say I hate it man these people are so loud and obnoxious in the audience.
I am not talking about people laughing btw but the constant noise of them talking wow what a painfully obnoxious experience
sounds like a bad crowd tbh, usually not that bad at all, but then again superhero movies people overreact