When he called the tailor a predator lmaoo
I laughed more in this movie than I have in such a long time…I loved it so much
Like this was legit funny af. Prolly hit 85% of the jokes for me and I'm hard to please pause.
I thought that this was very good - 8.5/10 for me
The open NSYNC scene was amazing
The Happy Hogan scene was amazing; I'm guessing he went to the MCU while he was hopping around with Cable's time-travel device?
I wish Torch didn't die, at least so early; would have loved to see his powers more. I really like Chris Evans as the HT actually and wish we got to see his variant in Secret Wars. Prefer that over seeing Captain America again tbh
Gambit was so great - hate in these multiverse films when characters like Wolverine don't give any reaction to Gambit (bc he had one in his universe) and Tobey didn't give any reaction to Norman in NWH. That s*** pisses me off a little too much (more so in Tobey's case)
I wish we saw more of Nova's team like Deathstrike, Juggernaught, and even Pyro - he was in the movie A LOT less than I think anyone thought
It was mad fun to hear them talk about Magneto, Punisher, Daredevil, etc
Ending was kind of bad; plot also got a bit messy
How tf is Wolverine and X-23 allowed to stay in Deadpool's timeline, which is just the original FOX timeline? Doesn't that go against everything that we've learned so far about the timelines and the reason for the TVA itself?
I also wish we just said goodbye to Earth 1-0005 or whatever they're calling the FOX universe and left Deadpool and Wolverine in 616
Yea ending was mid. Also how was X-23 the only one to make it out alive? Or is this one this earths X-23?
Yea ending was mid. Also how was X-23 the only one to make it out alive? Or is this one this earths X-23?
I think the others just got put back in their own universes
Ehh I had fun but I thought the 3rd act was complete dog s***
so a classic marvel movie then
lmao imagine they scrap mahershala's blade and make a legacy sequel with wesley snipes
I thought that this was very good - 8.5/10 for me
The open NSYNC scene was amazing
The Happy Hogan scene was amazing; I'm guessing he went to the MCU while he was hopping around with Cable's time-travel device?
I wish Torch didn't die, at least so early; would have loved to see his powers more. I really like Chris Evans as the HT actually and wish we got to see his variant in Secret Wars. Prefer that over seeing Captain America again tbh
Gambit was so great - hate in these multiverse films when characters like Wolverine don't give any reaction to Gambit (bc he had one in his universe) and Tobey didn't give any reaction to Norman in NWH. That s*** pisses me off a little too much (more so in Tobey's case)
I wish we saw more of Nova's team like Deathstrike, Juggernaught, and even Pyro - he was in the movie A LOT less than I think anyone thought
It was mad fun to hear them talk about Magneto, Punisher, Daredevil, etc
Ending was kind of bad; plot also got a bit messy
How tf is Wolverine and X-23 allowed to stay in Deadpool's timeline, which is just the original FOX timeline? Doesn't that go against everything that we've learned so far about the timelines and the reason for the TVA itself?
I also wish we just said goodbye to Earth 1-0005 or whatever they're calling the FOX universe and left Deadpool and Wolverine in 616
Agree with all of this
I also think they are keeping the Fox universe somewhat intact to utilize some characters for SWs
My theater had barely any reactions
Getting PTSD from my Endgame experience
This was what I wanted MOM to be
They used cameos to give them shine (wish they didn’t do HT they what they did but for the most part everyone was done justice)
Yeah they gotta make a DP&W trilogy
Deadpool was a big franchise and so was Wolverine but together it’s an easy billi
Didn’t think of this to extend past this movie but I guess I can see it
We really need a Team Red movie tho
My only confusion
Feige said this is an 8 in terms of impact for the future of the MCU
what exactly is the impact?
They stopped Nova, and everyone is home happy, no timelines were affected
He needs seats at this showing duh
This movie does confirm that every one of those early 2000s Marvel movies are in separate universes though so there goes my head canon of those all existing in a loose connected universe
I wonder if the Doctoer Strange that Nova killed was the one that was hinted at existing in Tobeys universe
Hilarious and absolutely ridiculous
Which is what I expected
Felt like I was watching a play at times with how much dialogue that was in this movie
Cool to see Blade and a head nod to the new blade
Really loved the opening scenes and the multiverse of Deadpool fights. Those were my highlights
It Does drag on, but even that’s made as a joke.
A lot of silence in my theatre at times, some people left during the end. But overall I think the nostalgia obviously is what had people stay to the very very end
Hilarious and absolutely ridiculous
Which is what I expected
Felt like I was watching a play at times with how much dialogue that was in this movie
Cool to see Blade and a head nod to the new blade
Really loved the opening scenes and the multiverse of Deadpool fights. Those were my highlights
It Does drag on, but even that’s made as a joke.
A lot of silence in my theatre at times, some people left during the end. But overall I think the nostalgia obviously is what had people stay to the very very end
Your theater wasn't feeling it?
Your theater wasn't feeling it?
It was a late showing but yeah, towards the end I can imagine folk leaving because they can predict what would happen.
Things started to get quieter after Johnny was skinned to Wolverine and Deadpool going back home