He’d make a better wolverine than Superman
He was already a very good Superman
@ThomFork this is exactly what I was saying, they never approached this movie as “Deadpool Joins the MCU”
What the f*** how does someone have this in HD already
Or wait is this just an insanely good camrip?
What a movie
Fan service at its finest
Solid 8.5/10
Logan is amazing
Watching now
What the f*** how does someone have this in HD already
Or wait is this just an insanely good camrip?
This sequence was genuinely perfect
What the f*** how does someone have this in HD already
Or wait is this just an insanely good camrip?
This would be the COLLECTIVE rip and possibly upscale and with CDQ Bye Bye Bye edited in or it just looks sharp because it's twitter
But the COLLECTIVE rip is highest quality rn as far as I know and I recognize this as theirs
Them fighting in front of the 20th Century Fox logo in the void was hilarious
Dude I liked that alot more than I thought I would considering people seem really mixed on it
It's not perfect but it was honestly pretty cool especially for the third movie in a trilogy