Movie was good but not as good as the first. It had the typical formula. Wolvy and Deadpools chemistry saved it quite a bit. I did like how it had Xavier's sister. They shouldn't have killed her.
After seeing Tatum as Gambit..
Please make a movie of him!!!
Is Logan the movie worth the watch? Never seen half the x men man
Top 5 CBM for me OAT
I do think they should use Tatum Gambt in secret wars or something, if they choose not to give him a movie.
Dude I liked that alot more than I thought I would considering people seem really mixed on it
It's not perfect but it was honestly pretty cool especially for the third movie in a trilogy
It was bad but it was interesting
Maybe a lot of you guys don't like Jeremy Jahns but his video is talking about this perfectly
When he said flame on, I f***ing lost it
I mean, it was obvious he was Torch right away
Movie was good but not as good as the first. It had the typical formula. Wolvy and Deadpools chemistry saved it quite a bit. I did like how it had Xavier's sister. They shouldn't have killed her.
After seeing Tatum as Gambit..
Please make a movie of him!!!
Yea idk why Marvel likes killing off villains
Evans was green-screened, right? His face looks so off in that scene, almost like they’ve put it over the body.
Evans was green-screened, right? His face looks so off in that scene, almost like they’ve put it over the body.
only gambit looked weird to me
looked like he was a floating head most of the time
I mean, it was obvious he was Torch right away
Yea but I forgot he played the human torch, that movie is so old
The marketing for this movie has been bonkers
Yea but I forgot he played the human torch, that movie is so old
But both movies are great? How do you forget classics?
this movie was great, didn’t even have high expectations tbh. personally didn’t mind the story taking a backseat to the action and comedy they gave the audience exactly what they wanted.
But both movies are great? How do you forget classics?
I saw that movie once or twice, it was okay
the movie blew, i knew i'd hate it but saw to know why, besides the horrific script and sloppy storytelling it's really unfunny, cringe and is a perfect piece of media to stand in place for the cringe marvel fanboys who cream at jokes written by other 40 year old men who write jokes around the idea of making 40 year old men laugh
the movie blew, i knew i'd hate it but saw to know why, besides the horrific script and sloppy storytelling it's really unfunny, cringe and is a perfect piece of media to stand in place for the cringe marvel fanboys who cream at jokes written by other 40 year old men who write jokes around the idea of making 40 year old men laugh
Haven’t seen it yet but this is how I want to feel about it lol