Amazing film. I didn’t see it in IMAX but I did see it at a drive up theatre
I didn’t get spoiled at all and loved when we saw Blade, now I need to watch all his films again. I would rate the overall film 8.9/10, because it also had a good send off for Fox.
Gambits aura is insane
His screen presence was so strong, need to see more of him
Who actually laughed at NSYNC being used in a fight scene?
This movie felt so exposition heavy, really dragged down what could’ve been something tighter
What did blade say about ice skates? I didnt get that at all lmao
Some motherflippers still trynna ice skate uphill!
With the end, was the idea there that Deadpool can rewrite movies? Or just a joke
I was wondering where Johnny's accent came from
Speak on it
This movie felt so exposition heavy, really dragged down what could’ve been something tighter
I really need to see the first draft from the Bob’s Burgers writers. I think their take on Deadpool’s meta humor could’ve been much more refreshing than this cameo orgy.
Seeing Wesley Snipes as Blade made my whole year
Did anyone here see his films in theaters?
After letting it simmer for a while, and having liked the previous two entries, yeah I didn't quite like this one but I know the fan service hit hard for a lotta y'all so I'm not gonna rain on the parade. Just gonna contain my s*** here. Most of the humor didn't land for me but:
there are jokes that got a chuckle:
That "btw, your tailor is a predator" line was unexpected.
"What's your superpower, parallel parking?" To Happy Hogan was pretty funny too
The furiosa monologue that Deadpool gave in the wasteland.
"Who's your dialect coach?" To Gambit when that boy was chewing the scenery without braces
Also when Deadpool anticipated Avengers Assemble from Chris Evans, only to get swerved by "Flame On!" Caught me off guard
Cassandra Nova's mind reading technique was deliciously grotesque. I get chills from just thinking about it.
The opening credits were also great, probably the best part of the movie.
Fox tribute during the end credits was heartfelt.
Plot was pretty s***. Entertaining 1st act, meandering 2nd act, muddled finale. The TVA mumbo jumbo does nothing for me. Stakes felt low no matter how much it was stressed to us that s*** was about to go sideways on earth. We spent more time in the wasteland than the people Deadpool was tryna save, so I was like meh idc
Wolverine had a boring backstory and I couldn't fully buy into his arc or how his relationship with Deadpool developed in the movie.
Most of the emotional heavy lifting requires you to care about characters from the previous films and imo the film doesn't really bother to make you care about them on its own merit.
I'm the casual that watched a Deadpool film for a plot and some character work but instead, got fan service and cameos. What was I thinking? Sarcasm aside, the movie seems to be resonating with a lotta people, so this take is prolly in the minority, and that's fine.
I hated the 1st 2 with all my heart and this one was lowkey based as s***. 1st one was aight first watch, hated it 2nd watch. 2nd one was insanely ugly and meanspirited, just garbage.
This tho? I was chuckling in my seat like a f***ing kid
Did anyone here see his films in theaters?
Highly doubt. It came out in 98 and rated R. lol
I was like in the 5th grade and I’m old by KTT standards.
@ThomFork this is exactly what I was saying, they never approached this movie as “Deadpool Joins the MCU” then they certainly said goodbye with mixed results
Memberberries Reloaded
Saw it a second time yesterday and the crowd was trash. Hardly a chuckle in the theater
Might have to peep a third time
Saw it a second time yesterday and the crowd was trash. Hardly a chuckle in the theater
Might have to peep a third time
It's not that funny of a movie lmfao
Didn't really get "fox verse goodbye" from this, lowkey at all. The whole plot is saving it
Saw it a second time yesterday and the crowd was trash. Hardly a chuckle in the theater
Might have to peep a third time
Sounds like the perfect crowd
Saw it a second time yesterday and the crowd was trash. Hardly a chuckle in the theater
Might have to peep a third time
The perfect crowd
Now that I’ve seen the movie, I’m not purposely avoiding commercials / promos / I saw the finale trailer and WOW they showed so much man lmao
I mean none of the big cameos but a lot of different parts of the ENTIRE movie were in promos, that’s crazy
Glad I avoided everything